Day Trading With a Large Account vs. Small Account

  Every trader knows what it’s like to trade with a small amount of capital. Whether to them that’s $100 or $10,000, most traders find themselves thinking that if they just had X amount of capital, many of their trading troubles would go away. To an extent, trading a large account does grind away some… Continue reading Day Trading With a Large Account vs. Small Account

Mathematician Answers Chess Problem About Attacking Queens

If you have a few chess sets at home, try the following exercise: Arrange eight queens on a board so that none of them are attacking each other. If you succeed once, can you find a second arrangement? A third? How many are there? This challenge is over 150 years old. It is the earliest… Continue reading Mathematician Answers Chess Problem About Attacking Queens

PSYOP Regimental Blog

  The Shoemaker’s Children Are Barefoot – or who counter’s enemy influence on the US military? A number of publications including the prestigious reported on October 21, 2021 that the “U.S. Army Failed to Warn Troops About COVID-19 Disinformation” ( see: which is also a photo source) According to the article close to… Continue reading PSYOP Regimental Blog

St. Benedict and Obedience –

“Listen carefully, my child, to the master’s instructions, and attend to them with the ear of your heart. This is advice from a father who loves you; welcome it, and faithfully put it into practice.” So begins The Rule of Saint Benedict, one of the most enduring spiritual works of all time. Consisting merely of… Continue reading St. Benedict and Obedience –

Liberal Justice Sotomayor Rejects NYC Teachers’ Pro-Choice Vaccine Plea

Update (2000ET): This is going to take some serious cognitive dissonance – the most pro-choice of Supreme Court Justices just refused to block NYC’s teachers’ vaccine mandate that stands in direct contradiction of the ‘my body, my choice’ doctrine when it comes to medical intervention. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor – who is responsible for emergency matters… Continue reading Liberal Justice Sotomayor Rejects NYC Teachers’ Pro-Choice Vaccine Plea

The Great Flood & Science (Noah’s Ark, Rainbows, Genesis)

Podcast: Download MYS176: What does the scientific and historical evidence say about the Great Flood in Genesis? Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss whether there was a worldwide Flood, whether Noah was a historical person, and how we should understand the biblical passage on Noah, the Ark, and the Great Flood. Get all new episodes… Continue reading The Great Flood & Science (Noah’s Ark, Rainbows, Genesis)

Categorized as Weird Tagged

Jeff Bezos Will Go to Space on Blue Origin’s First Crewed Flight and Blue Origin founder Jeff Bezos will fly on the first crewed flight of the New Shepard suborbital vehicle, the billionaire announced on Instagram on Monday (June 7). The flight is scheduled for July 20, the 52nd anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. The New Shepard capsule, which operates autonomously and does not need a pilot, will launch… Continue reading Jeff Bezos Will Go to Space on Blue Origin’s First Crewed Flight

Moscow Hesitated in Poland—Will It in Belarus?

Forty years ago, Russia used a major military exercise in part to scare Poland’s communist leaders into cracking down on protesters, many associated with the independent trade union Solidarity. A similar Russian exercise now could be aimed in part at pressuring Belarus. If so, the West could respond in several ways. On September 10, Russia… Continue reading Moscow Hesitated in Poland—Will It in Belarus?

Categorized as Intel Tagged

Pompeo: “No Apologies” For Alleged Plan To Kill Assange

Former Secretary of State and CIA Director Mike Pompeo has responded to a recent Yahoo News investigation detailing Trump Administration plans to kidnap or kill Wikileaks founder Julian Assange that he makes “no apologies” for whatever measure his agency planned to take to safeguard “sensitive information” – covered in the latest Ron Paul Liberty Report. Pompeo in… Continue reading Pompeo: “No Apologies” For Alleged Plan To Kill Assange