The 9/11 Attacks (Conspiracy? 911 truth; September 11 attacks)

Podcast: Download MYS171: On the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the main alternate theories about what happened on that terrible day, including whether it was really planes that caused the deaths of nearly 3,000 people and destruction at three sites. Get all new episodes automatically and for free:… Continue reading The 9/11 Attacks (Conspiracy? 911 truth; September 11 attacks)

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The Work of God: On Letting the Lord Reveal Our Path

I never tire of hearing a person’s testimony.  When I listen to people speak about how they encountered God–in a near death experience, a drug addiction, or even time in prison–I am reminded of how passionate God is in pursing us without any restrictions.  Even if the testimony is relatively calm and seemingly uneventful, I… Continue reading The Work of God: On Letting the Lord Reveal Our Path

Where Transcendental Numbers Hide in Everyday Math

In everyday language, the word “transcendental” connotes something that’s beyond the ordinary, something that is hidden and mysterious, with almost magical or mystical powers. In mathematics, on the other hand, the meaning of the term “transcendental” is more mundane. It simply describes the class of the infinitely many numbers that cannot be solutions of polynomial… Continue reading Where Transcendental Numbers Hide in Everyday Math

The Danger of the McAuliffe-Abrams Stolen Election Claims

Even in Georgia, it was hard not to notice the Virginia gubernatorial race this week. As Georgia’s chief elections official, I focus on ensuring that my state’s voters continue to have secure, fair, and accessible elections and implementing common-sense election integrity reforms like ID requirements for all voters. But with Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe… Continue reading The Danger of the McAuliffe-Abrams Stolen Election Claims

Categorized as Intel Tagged

France Detains British Trawler Amid Fishing Rights Dispute

Authored by Simon Veazey via The Epoch Times, French authorities have detained a British trawler for fishing in their territorial waters without a licence, amid an ongoing tussle for post-Brexit fishing rights. The detention of the vessel came on the day that French authorities announced further retaliatory measures over Britain’s refusal to license more French trawlers to fish in… Continue reading France Detains British Trawler Amid Fishing Rights Dispute

The 9/11 Conspiracy (Inside job?; 9/11 truth; September 11 attacks)

Podcast: Download MYS172: The 9/11 attacks were the deadliest terror attack in US history, but were bin Laden and Al-Qa’eda really responsible? Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli look at claims that other nations were involved or that it was an “inside job” by US officials or that there was a coverup. Get all new episodes… Continue reading The 9/11 Conspiracy (Inside job?; 9/11 truth; September 11 attacks)

Categorized as Weird Tagged

Is the Great Neutrino Puzzle Pointing to Multiple Missing Particles?

In 1993, deep underground at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, a few flashes of light inside a bus-size tank of oil kicked off a detective story that is yet to reach its conclusion. The Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector (LSND) was searching for bursts of radiation created by neutrinos, the lightest and most elusive… Continue reading Is the Great Neutrino Puzzle Pointing to Multiple Missing Particles?

Achieving Decarbonization and Energy Equity Through Reconciliation

The past two years have witnessed increasingly vocal calls for rapid decarbonization of the global economy through a clean energy transition. A growing list of multibillion-dollar climate disasters in the United States and overseas have underscored vulnerability to the climate and the potential risk of leaving climate change unchecked. Congress is considering the United States’… Continue reading Achieving Decarbonization and Energy Equity Through Reconciliation

Categorized as Intel Tagged

Poor 7Y Auction Sends Yields To Session Highs

Ahead of today’s sale of $62BN in 7Y paper, we tweeted that unlike this week’s previous absolutely stellar 2Y and 5Y auction which were only superb because traders were short cash bonds heading into the auction and needed paper to satisfy their short obligations, today’s auction was not at all special in repo suggesting the… Continue reading Poor 7Y Auction Sends Yields To Session Highs