The Third Secret of Fatima

Podcast: Download MYS064: In 1917, the Virgin Mary appeared to three children in Fatima, Portugal, giving them a three-part secret. The third remained secret and speculation ran wild, until it was made public in 2000. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli talk about the history, the speculation, and the disputes. (Listen to Part 2 of this… Continue reading The Third Secret of Fatima

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Ganymede Looks Glorious in New Images from NASA’s Juno Mission

The photos from a historic flyby of our solar system’s largest moon are starting to roll in. On Monday (June 7), NASA’s Juno probe zoomed within just 645 miles (1,038 kilometers) of Jupiter’s enormous satellite Ganymede, which is bigger than the planet Mercury. It was the closest any probe had come to Ganymede since May 2000, when NASA’s Galileo… Continue reading Ganymede Looks Glorious in New Images from NASA’s Juno Mission

Rubio Bill Would Hold Woke Corporations Accountable

Call it a “wokelash.” Ordinary Americans are fed up with corporations’ woke politics on issues unrelated to their businesses. A recent Rasmussen poll finds that two-thirds of Americans think companies should stay out of politics. Now, new legislation sponsored by Sen. Marco Rubio will help people hold companies accountable for their political virtue signaling. The Mind Your Own Business… Continue reading Rubio Bill Would Hold Woke Corporations Accountable

Categorized as Intel Tagged

US Trade Chief To Give Major Speech Monday Belatedly Unveiling Biden’s China Trade Strategy

While President Biden has kept Trump’s tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars of Chinese imports in place he’s simultaneously remained generally quiet on anything touching long-term policy, particularly as regards China’s non-market trade and subsidy practices. But that’s expected to change, with all eyes on a major speech set for 10 a.m. EDT on Monday by US… Continue reading US Trade Chief To Give Major Speech Monday Belatedly Unveiling Biden’s China Trade Strategy

The Devil is Afraid of Me

A curse always becomes a vexation, and exorcisms are done even if there is only a vexation, which is an evil influence. The Cat­echism of the Catholic Church is clear: an exorcism is done even when there is no possession. But some exorcists, if they do not see that there is possession, do nothing. They are mistaken.… Continue reading The Devil is Afraid of Me

Single Cells Evolve Large Multicellular Forms in Just Two Years

Imagine, then, that every time a new cluster forms, its experience recapitulates this process, with the same differences in the environments of the inner and outer cells driving the same divergent responses. You begin to see how the story of what was once a unicellular creature can be rewritten, its body a palimpsest of what… Continue reading Single Cells Evolve Large Multicellular Forms in Just Two Years

The Guilt I Carry Over 9/11 Drives Me to Help Others

Something was strange about my drill instructor walking into the barracks with a boombox. It was Sept. 11, 2001. I was getting ready to graduate from boot camp at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego. “Ears!” “Open, sir!” “Terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center in New York. You’re going to war.” The drill… Continue reading The Guilt I Carry Over 9/11 Drives Me to Help Others

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