Our National Security Calls for Trump to Impede the TikTok Ban

Writing about antitrust law recently, the excellent Holman Jenkins observed that “At best it’s a criminal waste of talent. At worst, it’s deeply worrisome that any law school graduate aspires to participate in an intellectually corrupt shakedown machine that exists primarily to keep itself employed.” Would it that more would apply Jenkins’s antitrust analysis to… Continue reading Our National Security Calls for Trump to Impede the TikTok Ban

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It’s ‘Drill, Baby, Drill,’ Yet Time to ‘Chill, Baby, Chill’ on Lower Prices

The energy policy of the incoming Trump administration seems as concise as it is clear: Slash domestic energy costs under the mantra, popularized in 2008 by GOP vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, of “Drill, baby, drill!” While a RealClearInvestigations canvass of energy experts suggests many of them foresee long-term benefits in that approach, it’s less clear to… Continue reading It’s ‘Drill, Baby, Drill,’ Yet Time to ‘Chill, Baby, Chill’ on Lower Prices

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North Carolina Voters Confirm Growing National Momentum for Term Limits

North Carolina’s legislature recently passed a Congressional Term Limits resolution in bipartisan fashion. The Tar Heel state is the third one in 2024 (joining Louisiana and Tennessee) to make the historic leap.  Voter momentum favors limiting the amount of time those elected to Congress can serve. Which is a crucial step toward better times ahead.… Continue reading North Carolina Voters Confirm Growing National Momentum for Term Limits

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Clemency Request ‘Pending’ for Leaker of Trump’s and Others’ Taxes

The Biden administration is formally considering commuting the sentence of the convicted felon who stole and leaked incoming President Trump’s tax records along with those of thousands of other taxpayers, in the biggest tax data heist in U.S. history. Littlejohn (top photo) leaked Trump’s and Elon Musk’s taxes … Pool Getty Images North America … and those… Continue reading Clemency Request ‘Pending’ for Leaker of Trump’s and Others’ Taxes

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LA Inferno | RealClearBooks

Upon the hills in LA where dreams are sown every day,The fiery winds have fiercely blown.Torn so many from their home.A golden land, now wreathed in flame,Which government is to blame.Where whispers cry and scream Help us we’re all aflame. Homes and lives collapse to embered dust,Steel and stone once grand betray their trust.Families with… Continue reading LA Inferno | RealClearBooks

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A Unified Team for HHS Reform

The incoming Trump administration has set an ambitious goal to transform the culture and operations of government. A recurring theme across all initiatives is the decoupling of corporate interests from regulatory activities—especially when these interests conflict with the well-being of Americans. Whether addressing the military-industrial complex, the coziness among monopolistic banks and federal regulators, or the incestuous ties between… Continue reading A Unified Team for HHS Reform

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Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil – Why the principle of the Global Engagement Center (GEC) Matters

I published the last original PSYOP Regimental Blog posting in March, 2023 after becoming President of the PSYOP Veteran’s Association (www.usapova.com) on 1 January 2023. After two years on the job, it became clear to me that the Blog was a vital communications tool. Unlike chicken soup and wine, bad news does not get better… Continue reading Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil – Why the principle of the Global Engagement Center (GEC) Matters

How to Storm and Save an Ivory Tower

Not until quite recently did American colleges cease being free expression zones. After University of Chicago professor Allan Bloom sounded the alarm with his bestselling The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today’s Students in 1987, the intellectual aperture diminished gradually until it atrophied, during… Continue reading How to Storm and Save an Ivory Tower

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FBI Is Still Hiding Details of Russiagate, Newly Released Document Shows

As Donald Trump re-enters the White House on a pledge to end national security state overreach, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is still hiding critical details on the Russia conspiracy investigation that engulfed his first term. In response to a Freedom of Information request filed by RealClearInvestigations in August 2022, the FBI on Dec. 31,… Continue reading FBI Is Still Hiding Details of Russiagate, Newly Released Document Shows