The Mystery of Bilocation (Sacred? Psychic? Two Places at Once? Padre Pio? Remote Viewing?)

Podcast: Download MYS212: Bilocation is a mysterious phenomenon in which someone appears to be in two or more locations at once. It’s been reported for thousands of years, including among some Catholic saints. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss what bilocation is and what is really going on. Get all new episodes automatically and for… Continue reading The Mystery of Bilocation (Sacred? Psychic? Two Places at Once? Padre Pio? Remote Viewing?)

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New Proof Shows When Structure Must Emerge in Graphs

Imagine 100 dots scattered in front of you. In a haphazard variation on connect-the-dots, start drawing lines between the points. How many lines can you draw without producing a triangle? A square? An 11-pointed star? These types of problems have a long history in mathematics. In a paper posted on April 26, Oliver Janzer and… Continue reading New Proof Shows When Structure Must Emerge in Graphs

Addressing the Shortage of Behavioral Health Clinicians: Lessons from the Military Health System

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, an initiative dedicated to improving the nation’s understanding of mental health concerns and promoting access to quality behavioral health care. However, access to behavioral health services is one of the top challenges for the U.S. health care system, and this has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The shortage… Continue reading Addressing the Shortage of Behavioral Health Clinicians: Lessons from the Military Health System

Trucker Strike In South Korea Sparks Economic Turmoil, Risks Global Spillover

The epicenter of the next global supply chain snarl could be in South Korea as a nationwide trucker strike broadens and is hindering domestic economic activity, which may spill over to the rest of the world.  Bloomberg reports that the Cargo Truckers Solidarity Union entered its seventh day of strikes on Monday, causing $1.6 billion in disruptions for… Continue reading Trucker Strike In South Korea Sparks Economic Turmoil, Risks Global Spillover

Why Some Stocks Drop After Good Earnings Announcements

Whenever the price of a stock goes down after a superb earnings report, there tends to be some confusion among traders. If you visit discussion forums on social media sites such as Reddit, you will find some people asking questions such as “Why isn’t the stock rising when the earnings report beat?” or “Why is… Continue reading Why Some Stocks Drop After Good Earnings Announcements

Brain-Signal Proteins Evolved Before Animals Did

The precursors of phoenixin and nesfatin are not used directly as neuropeptides by nervous systems; instead, these long peptides are chemical precursors that get chopped up and processed into smaller molecules that become the functional, mature neuropeptides. Their hidden identity may be why they were not identified as promising leads earlier. A further search of… Continue reading Brain-Signal Proteins Evolved Before Animals Did

Combating Disinformation by Bolstering Truth and Trust

For Jessica Cecil, today feels a bit like the Dark Ages after the fall of the Roman Empire, in which agreed-upon facts endure in only a few isolated places of elite discussion and there is no common language of politics. Cecil, founder and former head of the Trusted News Initiative, a global alliance of major… Continue reading Combating Disinformation by Bolstering Truth and Trust

Carnage! | ZeroHedge

Well that escalated quickly. Apart from crude oil, almost all asset classes were clubbed like baby seals today as event risk anxiety (ahead of FOMC) combined with OpEx technicals ($3.4 trillion options expiration) and European ‘fragmentation’ fears and all the usual geo-political, geo-economic factors that are holding back the dip-buyers as the S&P drops into… Continue reading Carnage! | ZeroHedge

Stock Market Overview for the Week of June 20, 2022

This week is a shortened trading with markets closed Monday, June 20 for the Juneteenth holiday.  There’s no other way to put it: the price action in the US stock market this week was ugly, with the S&P 500 losing over 5% on the week, officially putting the index in “bear market” territory, meaning the… Continue reading Stock Market Overview for the Week of June 20, 2022

An Ancient Geometry Problem Falls to New Mathematical Techniques

Explore Around 450 B.C., Anaxagoras of Clazomenae had some time to think. The Greek mathematician was in prison for claiming the sun was not a god, but rather an incandescent rock as big as the Peloponnese peninsula. A philosopher who believed that “reason rules the world,” he used his incarceration to grapple with a now-famous… Continue reading An Ancient Geometry Problem Falls to New Mathematical Techniques