The Silence of U.S. Senate Hopeful Adam Schiff on China: ‘Blood Money’ Book Excerpt

In “Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans,” investigative journalist Peter Schweizer continues his groundbreaking scrutiny of what he portrays as the wide and deliberately subversive influence of China on American politics and society. His reporting — ranging from the deadly fentanyl trade to America’s social justice movement to… Continue reading The Silence of U.S. Senate Hopeful Adam Schiff on China: ‘Blood Money’ Book Excerpt

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Elliptic Curve ‘Murmurations’ Found With AI Take Flight

Almost immediately, the preprint garnered interest, particularly from Andrew Sutherland, a research scientist at MIT who is one of the managing editors of the LMFDB. Sutherland realized that 3 million elliptic curves weren’t enough for his purposes. He wanted to look at much larger conductor ranges to see how robust the murmurations were. He pulled… Continue reading Elliptic Curve ‘Murmurations’ Found With AI Take Flight

Cellular Self-Destruction May Be Ancient. But Why?

The genes for apoptosis reminded Kaczanowski and Zielenkiewicz of an arms race between a predator and its prey. In their new paper, they speculated that they might be holdovers from the tools evolved by a prey organism, presumably the original mitochondrial bacterium, to defend itself. Maybe, once caught inside our ancient ancestor, apoptotic proteins became… Continue reading Cellular Self-Destruction May Be Ancient. But Why?

We Shouldn’t Be This Invested In a Presidential Election

The reality of a Trump-Biden rematch has provoked a torrent of weeping and gnashing of teeth in the mainstream media. One article after another had declared the 2020 redux as the matchup Americans “don’t want” and are “least excited about,” with one pollster describing it as a “cruel joke.” All of this consternation highlights one… Continue reading We Shouldn’t Be This Invested In a Presidential Election

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The Science behind Humpback Whales’ Eerie Songs

Devin Farmiloe: Those are the haunting melodies of baleen whales reverberating through the ocean waves. Many people across the globe are familiar with the 1970 album Songs of the Humpback Whale, produced by biologist Roger Payne. While I am a little too young to have caught its release, I remember seeing the CD for sale… Continue reading The Science behind Humpback Whales’ Eerie Songs

A Satanist Asks for Help (Possession, Obsession, Vexation, Infestation)

Podcast: Download MYS302: When a Satanist recently asked Jimmy Akin for help with whether he might be possessed, Jimmy offered his best advice. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss that advice and explore how one could approach a similar situation with empathy, charity, and reason, while taking this kind of situation seriously. Get all new… Continue reading A Satanist Asks for Help (Possession, Obsession, Vexation, Infestation)

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A Wild Claim about the Powers of Pi Creates a Transcendental Mystery

Pi (π) is probably the most famous number in mathematics. Not only have experts studied it extensively, but it also fascinates amateurs: books, films and songs have been dedicated to the number. Part of its appeal may be that even though it describes the circle, one of the simplest and most symmetrical geometric objects, it… Continue reading A Wild Claim about the Powers of Pi Creates a Transcendental Mystery

Groundwater Is Declining Globally, but There Are Hopeful Exceptions

January 24, 2024 3 min read Groundwater Is Declining Globally, but There Are Hopeful Exceptions The most detailed global look at groundwater yet shows a lot of loss but also stories of success in restoring some aquifers By Stephanie Pappas Groundwater-fed irrigation of maize in Kabwe, Zambia. In 1997 Union County in southern Arkansas faced… Continue reading Groundwater Is Declining Globally, but There Are Hopeful Exceptions

TikTok Paranoia, Brought To You By the Architects of the Corona-Lockdowns

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” – Ben Franklin As of May of 2020, more than 40 million Americans had filed for unemployment. The 40 million represented one quarter of the U.S. workforce. There’s a tendency even now for people to say that… Continue reading TikTok Paranoia, Brought To You By the Architects of the Corona-Lockdowns

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