Oil Slides After Saudis Slash Crude Price In Scramble For Asian Market Share

Saudi Arabia slashed oil prices for sales to Asia next month by more than twice the expected amount in a sign the world’s largest crude exporter is getting aggressive about capturing market share and dump more output in the continent. On Sunday, state oil giant Saudi Aramco rolled back pricing on all of its grades… Continue reading Oil Slides After Saudis Slash Crude Price In Scramble For Asian Market Share

Lie Detectors! (How Do They Work, How Accurate Are They, and Can They Be Beaten?)

Podcast: Download MYS130: Human beings have been telling lies since the dawn of history and finding ways to detect them has been a high priority. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the polygraph machine, how reliable it is, whether it can be beaten, historical methods of lie detection, and whether you should ever take a… Continue reading Lie Detectors! (How Do They Work, How Accurate Are They, and Can They Be Beaten?)

Categorized as Weird Tagged

The New Thermodynamic Understanding of Clocks

In 2013, a masters student in physics named Paul Erker went combing through textbooks and papers looking for an explanation of what a clock is. “Time is what a clock measures,” Albert Einstein famously quipped; Erker hoped a deeper understanding of clocks might inspire new insights about the nature of time. But he found that… Continue reading The New Thermodynamic Understanding of Clocks

Low Tech PSYOP Works Too!

The June 12, 2020 print edition of the NY Times ran an article “Floating Propaganda Irks North Korea. The South is Not Pleased Either” (See: https://nyti.ms/3hBH0oD, which is also a photo source)   I have had many postings about high tech PSYOP. Cyber Influence, Social media, etc. Isn’t it great to see those ‘oldies but… Continue reading Low Tech PSYOP Works Too!

Categorized as Intel Tagged

How to Strengthen Will to Resist Temptation & Grow Holier? I/II

*Editor’s note: This article was originally published on 7/25/2011. Dear Father John, I would like to ask you for a piece of advice. Since my will is not so strong as it should be; what are the exercises to practice that important element of spiritual formation? I am so encouraged to see that you recognize… Continue reading How to Strengthen Will to Resist Temptation & Grow Holier? I/II

The Great Computer Chip Shortage Of 2021 Is Just Heating Up

Authored by MN Gordon via EconomicPrism.com, The great computer chip shortage of 2021 will likely get worse before it gets better.  This conclusion was reached following brief study and anecdotal review. Moreover, while COVID lockdowns may have initially triggered the shortage, several decades of shortsighted decisions and simmering geopolitical tensions make it much more than… Continue reading The Great Computer Chip Shortage Of 2021 Is Just Heating Up

Main Benefits Of Using A Day Trading Simulator

  For beginner and experienced day traders seeking to sharpen their skills, a day trading simulator can be an invaluable tool. Trading simulators allow traders to practice trading using virtual currency. This allows you to gain experience without risking your hard-earned cash while also learning to minimize losses. This guide focuses on trading simulators. It looks… Continue reading Main Benefits Of Using A Day Trading Simulator

Civil War Gold, EVP, Holy Fire, X-37B, Ark of the Covenant, Writing of Jesus and more Patron Questions

Podcast: Download MYS131: We regularly give Patrons the opportunity to ask Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli their mysterious questions and make them available exclusively to Patrons first and then later to the whole audience in a special bonus release. Get all new episodes automatically and for free:Subscribe using the RSS feed | Subscribe using Apple Podcasts | Subscribe using… Continue reading Civil War Gold, EVP, Holy Fire, X-37B, Ark of the Covenant, Writing of Jesus and more Patron Questions

Categorized as Weird Tagged

How to Make Sense of Contradictory Science Papers – Issue 100: Outsiders

The science you can come across today can often appear to be full of contradictory claims. One study tells you red wine is good for your heart; another tells you it is not. Over the past year, COVID-19 research has offered conflicting reports about the overall effectiveness of wearing a mask. As scientists debate what… Continue reading How to Make Sense of Contradictory Science Papers – Issue 100: Outsiders