Authored by Irina Slav via, In theory, the concept that has recently been taken up by the G7 of putting a price cap on Russian oil makes a lot of sense. In practice, however, putting a price cap on Russian crude will be extremely difficult and potentially very counterproductive. It seems the most effective… Continue reading One More Time… Here’s Why Putting A Price Cap On Russian Oil Won’t Work
Here Are the Senior Biden Officials Entangled in Durham’s Criminal Russiagate Probe
Above, President Biden with his national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, linked to the Alfa Bank hoax. By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigationsJuly 21, 2022 Several individuals connected to a 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign plot to cast Donald Trump as a covert Kremlin collaborator are working in high-level jobs within the Biden administration – including at least two senior Biden… Continue reading Here Are the Senior Biden Officials Entangled in Durham’s Criminal Russiagate Probe
Improve Your Mental Prayer –
“How well do you pray?” To that question, the average Catholic probably would answer, “Not as well as I’d like to.” The better the Catholic, the more likely it is that such would be his answer. To those of us who are dissatisfied with our efforts at prayer, it is a comfort to remember that… Continue reading Improve Your Mental Prayer –
What Biden Said—and Didn’t Say—on Climate during the State of the Union
President Biden used his first State of the Union address to reset his administration after a year of inflation and crises at home and abroad that has left him with nearly record-low approval ratings. But Biden did little to restart his stalled climate agenda. He spoke only briefly about climate change—talking about it roughly as… Continue reading What Biden Said—and Didn’t Say—on Climate during the State of the Union
Germany’s Largest Landlord To Restrict Heating At Night
Two days ago, Germany’s second-largest town of Hamburg told residents to prepare for hot-water rationing during certain times of the day due to “an acute gas shortage.” Now, Germany’s largest landlord has warned tenants that when the heating season starts in autumn, they will only be able to turn their heat up to 17C (62.6F)… Continue reading Germany’s Largest Landlord To Restrict Heating At Night
Movies and PSYOP: The PRC is the Best!
While the picture here is from one of my favorite military satire sites, it, like most effective PSYOP, is based on truth. (see:, which is also a photo source). While the thrill of going to a darkened room with hundreds of strangers has been dampened due to COVID, there have been some… Continue reading Movies and PSYOP: The PRC is the Best!
Exorcist Diary: Demonic Obsessions with Depression and Despair
One of our exorcists shared a recent experience: “Last night, a feeling of depression and hopelessness came over me. I was hardly aware of it in the beginning; it started subtly. Eventually, I found myself in the middle of a dark despair. I felt enervated and done in. This is surprising for me because I… Continue reading Exorcist Diary: Demonic Obsessions with Depression and Despair
What Oceanographers Can Learn From Their Animal Colleagues
Explore A gulp of air, a kick of flippers, and the elephant seal dives. Sunlight slants through the Southern Ocean’s melting roof of sea-ice, its solid dome shattered by the arrival of Antarctic summer. The seal—Mirounga, we’ll call her—descends many times each day to snatch fish and squid in her toothy jaws; she spends 90… Continue reading What Oceanographers Can Learn From Their Animal Colleagues
The Landfill Economy | ZeroHedge
Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via, Our economy is in a crisis that’s been brewing for decades… The Chinese characters for the English word crisis are famously – and incorrectly – translated as danger and opportunity. The more accurate translation is precarious plus critical juncture or inflection point. Beneath its surface stability, our economy is precarious because the… Continue reading The Landfill Economy | ZeroHedge
Stock Splits: Are They Good or Bad?
Stock splits have been on the rise recently, with Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN), Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOGL), Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA), and GameStop (NYSE: GME) among some of the well-known companies to announce they will be splitting their shares. A split is a tool that companies, often with high stock prices, use to increase (or reduce) the number of… Continue reading Stock Splits: Are They Good or Bad?