The U.S. military has failed to master irregular warfare above the tactical level. This is not a new problem, and it is one that has been recognized by leaders at the most senior echelons of government. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates stated this perhaps most clearly when he admonished the Department of Defense (DoD) in… Continue reading Mastering Irregular Warfare
Offer Your Work to God
We will find it no easy task to achieve holiness through our work, afflicted as it is with two effects of the Fall. First, our weakened natures struggle to carry out our responsibilities—we are lazy and seek pleasure and comfort. To make matters worse, we live surrounded by other fallen creatures, who seek their own… Continue reading Offer Your Work to God
‘Triple Threat’? Man Diagnosed With HIV, COVID, & Monkeypox At Same Time
An Italian man on a ‘condomless’ sex escapade with men in Spain tested positive for HIV, Covid-19, and monkeypox simultaneously – the first known case to have all three viral diseases, according to a case study in the Journal of Infection. Researchers stated the 36-year-old male spent five days in Spain between June 16-20 and developed… Continue reading ‘Triple Threat’? Man Diagnosed With HIV, COVID, & Monkeypox At Same Time
The Mystery of Mummies (Dr. Bob Brier, Ancient Egypt)
Podcast: Download MYS241: Mummies have long been an object of fascination, but how they were made has been a mysterious trade secret of the “men of Anubis.” Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli continue their conversation with Dr. Bob Brier to discuss what he’s learned about mummies as one of the world’s foremost experts. Get all… Continue reading The Mystery of Mummies (Dr. Bob Brier, Ancient Egypt)
A Lifelong Quest to Improve Mental Health among Cancer Patients [Sponsored]
Megan Hall: Every year, the Cancer Community Awards, sponsored by AstraZeneca, presents an individual or organization with the President’s Award. This award recognizes those who are making a meaningful impact in the lives of cancer patients. In 2021, Margaret Stauffer received the President’s Award for her work as the Chief Mission Officer of the Cancer… Continue reading A Lifelong Quest to Improve Mental Health among Cancer Patients [Sponsored]
Can the War in Ukraine Help the United States Address Security Concerns in the Indo-Pacific?
Even as the Russian military continues to struggle in Ukraine, Air Force leaders and top national security experts at the 2022 West Coast Aerospace Forum warned not to expect similar outcomes in a potential conflict with China. The 7th annual event focused on applying lessons learned from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to the security challenges… Continue reading Can the War in Ukraine Help the United States Address Security Concerns in the Indo-Pacific?
The Forgiveness of Sins Part 1
Editor’s note: This article is part 15 of a series, “The Kingdom of Grace.” Part 14 can be found here. By his gift of grace, God elevates our humanity so that each of us can live his supernatural and divine Life to some extent, but by the same gift of grace God also works to… Continue reading The Forgiveness of Sins Part 1
The Worst & The Stupidest?
Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via, Our elites are now viewed with the disdain they have earned on their own merits. And they are none too happy about it… Elites have always been ambiguous about the muscular classes who replace their tires, paint their homes, and cook their food. And the masses who tend… Continue reading The Worst & The Stupidest?
Mysterious Feedback (226A-230, Spoon Bending, Secret Cuban Missile Crisis, Ellen Gould White)
Podcast: Download MYS241a: Mysterious feedback! Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli answer your mysterious feedback on recent episodes, including astrology, spoon bending, the secret Cuban missile crisis, and 7th Day Adventist prophet Ellen G. White, plus fan art and a poem. Get all new episodes automatically and for free: Follow by Email | Watch this episode… Continue reading Mysterious Feedback (226A-230, Spoon Bending, Secret Cuban Missile Crisis, Ellen Gould White)
How Do Fireflies Flash in Sync? Studies Suggest a New Answer.
A similar scenario played out in the 1990s, when a Tennessee naturalist named Lynn Faust read the confident published assertion of a scientist named Jon Copeland that there were no synchronous fireflies in North America. Faust knew then that what she had been watching for decades in the nearby woods was something remarkable. Faust invited… Continue reading How Do Fireflies Flash in Sync? Studies Suggest a New Answer.