Russia’s Neighbors Have More Leverage Than They Think

If the Belarus opposition had won the Nobel Peace Prize, as some thought it might, antigovernment protests could have again engulfed Minsk and heightened anti-Kremlin sentiments. This scenario underscores the complexities Russia faces in seeking to influence or dominate post-Soviet neighbors. Despite their three decades of independence, the Kremlin seems to view neighbors as less… Continue reading Russia’s Neighbors Have More Leverage Than They Think

Categorized as Intel Tagged

Danish Health Minister Threatens To “Shut Down Society” If More People Don’t Get Vaccinated

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, The Danish health minister is threatening to “shut down society” if more people don’t get vaccinated after the country experienced a COVID spike despite over 75 per cent of the population being fully vaccinated. As we highlighted on Monday, Denmark just suffered its worse COVID case load… Continue reading Danish Health Minister Threatens To “Shut Down Society” If More People Don’t Get Vaccinated

Canals on Mars? (Martian Life, Alien Life, Extraterrestrials, Exobiology)

Podcast: Download MYS179: After 19th-century astronomers said Mars has a worldwide network of canals, people speculated there was not just life but a civilization there. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore whether there is life on Mars, and if so, how it got there and what it is like. Get all new episodes automatically and… Continue reading Canals on Mars? (Martian Life, Alien Life, Extraterrestrials, Exobiology)

Categorized as Weird Tagged

St. Benedict and Conversion –

Today we conclude a three-part reflection on the vow taken by many monks and sisters who follow in the footsteps of Benedict of Nursia. They enter a covenant of obedience, stability, and conversion of life. Conversion is the most important of the three dimensions, balancing the other two and served by them. Obedience is for… Continue reading St. Benedict and Conversion –

A New Theory for Systems That Defy Newton’s Third Law

Mathematicians draw bifurcation diagrams (the simplest look like pitchforks) to analyze how the states of a system respond to changes in their parameters. Often, a bifurcation divides stability from instability; it may also divide different types of stable states. It’s useful in studying systems associated with mathematical chaos, where small changes in the starting point… Continue reading A New Theory for Systems That Defy Newton’s Third Law

Reconsidering U.S. Decisionmaking Within NATO After the Fall of Kabul

With NATO, the United States often tries to have it all: U.S. leadership of the alliance and increased allied burden-sharing. Indeed, in addressing the Munich Security Conference in February 2021, President Joe Biden emphasized to allies that that the “U.S. is back” and is determined “to earn back our position of trusted leadership,” while welcoming… Continue reading Reconsidering U.S. Decisionmaking Within NATO After the Fall of Kabul

Categorized as Intel Tagged

“VaR-Napalm” Misery As US Yield Curve Inverts At Long-End

Last night we noted the Czechs had the dubious honor of suffering the first yield curve inversion of this cycle… The first inversion of many — zerohedge (@zerohedge) October 28, 2021 Then overnight saw the stress spread to Australia’s bond market, as a massive move higher in 2Y Yields undoubtedly triggered chaos in risk… Continue reading “VaR-Napalm” Misery As US Yield Curve Inverts At Long-End

Life on Mars (Martian Life, Alien Life, Extraterrestrials, Exobiology)

Podcast: Download MYS180: For centuries, people have wondered whether there is life on Mars and NASA’s 1970s-era rovers seemed to prove there was, but then doubts arose. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli look at whether there is life on Mars, how it would have got there, what it would be like. Get all new episodes… Continue reading Life on Mars (Martian Life, Alien Life, Extraterrestrials, Exobiology)

Categorized as Weird Tagged

The Math of the Amazing Sandpile – Issue 107: The Edge

Remember domino theory? One country going Communist was supposed to topple the next, and then the next, and the next. The metaphor drove much of United States foreign policy in the middle of the 20th century. But it had the wrong name. From a physical point of view, it should have been called the “sandpile… Continue reading The Math of the Amazing Sandpile – Issue 107: The Edge