It’s Time for a Global Ban on Destructive Antisatellite Testing

In November, Russia ignited an international uproar with a weapon test that launched an interceptor against a defunct military satellite. When it hit, that deliberate collision shattered the satellite into more than 1,500 trackable pieces of debris. This space debris is dangerous; it could hit and severely damage an orbiting space station, akin to the… Continue reading It’s Time for a Global Ban on Destructive Antisatellite Testing

Peter Schiff: The Fed Can’t Do What It’s Saying It Will Do

Via, The Fed FOMC minutes came out last week, signaling tighter monetary policy. Peter Schiff talked about the minutes in his podcast, arguing that the Fed can’t do what it says it’s going to do. If it does, it will crash the markets and the economy. And it won’t lower inflation. The Fed minutes were widely… Continue reading Peter Schiff: The Fed Can’t Do What It’s Saying It Will Do

7 Things We’ve Learned About the 2020 Elections

The United States Agency for International Development, which monitors foreign elections to ensure fairness and accuracy, asserts that proper elections require “transparency, inclusiveness, and accountability.” The 2020 election in the United States, however, remains one of the least transparent, inclusive, and accountable contests in our nation’s history.  And unfortunately, due to prevailing political headwinds, it… Continue reading 7 Things We’ve Learned About the 2020 Elections

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TradesViz Review [2022] – Warrior Trading

Value For Investors Value For Active Traders Fees Platform & Tools Customer Service Summary TradesViz is an online trading journal that provides multiple tools for performance analysis, visualization, note taking, research, and more Pros A basic plan is available for free Discounts for yearly subscriptions Order submission is possible Multi-currency support Analysis tools for forex… Continue reading TradesViz Review [2022] – Warrior Trading

Solar Power Could Boom in 2022, Depending on Supply Chains

2022 is shaping up to be a solar boom. That is, if supply chain constraints don’t undercut the industry. The U.S. Energy Information Administration projects U.S. solar companies will install 21.5 gigawatts of utility-scale capacity this year, shattering the annual record of 15.5 GW set last year. But EIA’s projection comes amid a period of considerable uncertainty… Continue reading Solar Power Could Boom in 2022, Depending on Supply Chains

‘Urgent Reset Needed’: Democratic Insiders Come Forward To Admit Biden Admin Has ‘Gone Backwards’ On COVID Policy

Approximately half a dozen former health policymakers – including members of Biden’s transition team – have come forward to declare that the Biden administration’s Covid-19 policy has gone off the rails and needs an ‘urgent strategy reset.’ President Joe Biden is urging schools to stay open, but there’s a widespread Covid testing shortage. He calls… Continue reading ‘Urgent Reset Needed’: Democratic Insiders Come Forward To Admit Biden Admin Has ‘Gone Backwards’ On COVID Policy

Spiritual Jealousy –

Spiritual jealousy can hit a lot of people who are striving for holiness, even a religious sister like myself. And if you’re honest and deeply self-reflective, you may find yourself feeling sad or irritated when people look to others for spiritual advice or gush about another persons’ virtues.  Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Sometimes I… Continue reading Spiritual Jealousy –

Top NFT Stocks To Watch [2022]

  NFTs have become a wildly popular hit over the past year, with artists, collectors, celebrities, venture investors, and traders alike driving their prices to record highs. The pixelated CryptoPunks character portraits, digital pieces of artwork from the artist Beeple, and Twitter (NYSE: TWTR) founder Jack Dorsey’s first tweet have each been sold as an… Continue reading Top NFT Stocks To Watch [2022]

If Aliens Exist, Here’s How We’ll Find Them – Issue 111: Spotlight

Suppose aliens existed, and imagine that some of them had been watching our planet for its entire four and a half billion years. What would they have seen? Over most of that vast timespan, Earth’s appearance altered slowly and gradually. Continents drifted; ice cover waxed and waned; successive species emerged, evolved, with many of them… Continue reading If Aliens Exist, Here’s How We’ll Find Them – Issue 111: Spotlight