Exorcist Diary: Mentally Tormented by Demons

It is becoming apparent to me that more than a few of those mentally tormented by their sins and failings of the past are actually suffering from demonic obsessions… There is a normal type of real-event OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) where a person obsessively ruminates about a real, or imagined, failing from the past. In the… Continue reading Exorcist Diary: Mentally Tormented by Demons

Qubits Can Be as Safe as Bits, Researchers Show

Over the centuries, we have learned to put information into increasingly durable and useful form, from stone tablets to paper to digital media. Beginning in the 1980s, researchers began theorizing about how to store the information inside a quantum computer, where it is subject to all sorts of atomic-scale errors. By the 1990s they had… Continue reading Qubits Can Be as Safe as Bits, Researchers Show

Temporary Safety-Net Policies Prevented Mass Insurance Loss During the Pandemic

A pandemic is a terrible time to lose health insurance coverage. Yet, for a segment of the 23 million workers who suddenly lost jobs in spring of 2020, that was a fear-inducing possibility. New data from the Census Bureau and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (PDF), among others, show that these fears… Continue reading Temporary Safety-Net Policies Prevented Mass Insurance Loss During the Pandemic

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Greenwald Exposes The Real Disinformation Agents

Authored by Glenn Greenwald via greenwald.substack.com, The war on “disinformation” is now one of the highest priorities of the political and media establishment. It has become the foundational justification for imposing a regime of online censorship. Around the world, new laws are being enacted in its name to empower the state to regulate discourse. Exploiting… Continue reading Greenwald Exposes The Real Disinformation Agents

The Baptism of the Lord

On Sunday we celebrated Jesus’ baptism. In Catholicism, the liturgical season of “Christmas” does not even kick off until Christmas Eve, and then continues long after the world has moved on to marketing promotions for Super Bowl snacks, Valentine gifts, and TurboTax. I remember Father Jack, throughout my adolescent and teen years, quizzing the congregation,… Continue reading The Baptism of the Lord

What Does It Mean for AI to Understand?

Remember IBM’s Watson, the AI Jeopardy! champion? A 2010 promotion proclaimed, “Watson understands natural language with all its ambiguity and complexity.” However, as we saw when Watson subsequently failed spectacularly in its quest to “revolutionize medicine with artificial intelligence,” a veneer of linguistic facility is not the same as actually comprehending human language. Natural language… Continue reading What Does It Mean for AI to Understand?

The Future of REF: Driving a Culture to Maximise High-Quality Research and Impact

A real-time evaluation of views on Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 shows that the assessment exercise is a driver of researcher behaviour—so why not use that to improve research culture? Since the late 1980s, the United Kingdom has conducted a regular quality exercise assessing research in higher education institutions (HEIs). The results guide the allocation… Continue reading The Future of REF: Driving a Culture to Maximise High-Quality Research and Impact

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NYT Reveals How Ashley Biden’s ‘Inappropriate Showers With Joe’ Diary Made Its Way To Project Veritas

Ashley Biden’s diary – over which Project Veritas was raided by the FBI last month – made its way to the whistleblower organization after Ms. Biden left her belongings at a friend’s house, where she was staying after completing a rehab program for addiction, according to the New York Times. via National File In the… Continue reading NYT Reveals How Ashley Biden’s ‘Inappropriate Showers With Joe’ Diary Made Its Way To Project Veritas

It’s Always Demons? (Testing the Spirits)

Podcast: Download MYS188: When unexplained phenomena arise, many Christians often leap to the explanation of demons being responsible or they warn that certain activities can open you up to demons. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the accuracy of these claims, how we can really find out when demons are involved, and what can go… Continue reading It’s Always Demons? (Testing the Spirits)

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