American Deterrence’s Missing Half

After much hemming and hawing, Congress in December finally passed a $768 billion defense authorization bill, some $25 billion over what the Biden administration had requested. For defense hawks, this is good news. With China becoming increasingly belligerent towards Taiwan, Russia poised to invade Ukraine, and Iran stiff-arming nuclear negotiations, the United States faces intensifying… Continue reading American Deterrence’s Missing Half

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The Surprising Physics of Finger Snapping

Karen Hopkin: This is Scientific American’s 60-Second Science. I’m Karen Hopkin. Doing science isn’t easy. It takes an enormous amount of time and energy to collect and analyze data. At least, that’s the way it usually works. Saad Bhamla: This is one of those examples that we joke that we can snap our fingers and… Continue reading The Surprising Physics of Finger Snapping

Attack Of The Transphobic Putin-Nazi Truckers!

Authored by CJ Hopkins (satirically) via The Consent Factory, They rolled up on Ottawa’s Parliament Hill like one of the plagues in the Book of Revelations, honking their infernal air horns, the grills of their tractors grinning demonically, the sides of their dry vans painted with blasphemies like “FREEDOM TO CHOOSE,” “MANDATE FREEDOM,” “NO VACCINE… Continue reading Attack Of The Transphobic Putin-Nazi Truckers!

The Premier Who Helped Change U.S.-Japan Relations

A Japanese politician who played an important part in the history of U.S.-Japan relations died recently, and chances are you’ve never heard of him. Kaifu Toshiki was Japan’s prime minister from 1989 to 1991, a critical time in U.S.-Japan relations as the world was transitioning from the Cold War to the fog that lay beyond.… Continue reading The Premier Who Helped Change U.S.-Japan Relations

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The Attack of Zombie Science

When we think about how science is distorted, we usually think about concepts that have ample currency in public discourse, such as pseudoscience and junk science. Practices like astrology and homeopathy come wrapped in scientific concepts and jargon that can’t meet the methodological requirements of actual sciences. During the COVID-19 pandemic, pseudoscience has had a… Continue reading The Attack of Zombie Science

South Dakota Legislature Passes Ban On Boys Competing In Girls’ Sports

Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times, Athletes in primary schools and colleges in South Dakota will have to compete in sports with peers of their own gender if Gov. Kristi Noem signs legislation that lawmakers in both state chambers have passed. South Dakota’s House of Representatives, in a 50–17 vote on Tuesday, approved the bill,… Continue reading South Dakota Legislature Passes Ban On Boys Competing In Girls’ Sports

Poltergeists! (Noisy Ghosts? Psychokinesis? Spirits? Demons?)

Podcast: Download MYS195: For centuries, people have reported strange phenomena of objects moving on their own, flying into walls, even injuring and killing people. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli talk about the phenomenon of poltergeists, what they are what causes them, and what the latest research reveals about them. Get all new episodes automatically and… Continue reading Poltergeists! (Noisy Ghosts? Psychokinesis? Spirits? Demons?)

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Not Meant to Go Through it Alone: Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR discusses Spiritual Direction

I had the immense privilege recently of speaking with Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR, director of communications for the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, about his vocation story and the role that spiritual direction played on his journey to the priesthood.  He discusses spiritual direction within the order, what it is and is not, and what… Continue reading Not Meant to Go Through it Alone: Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR discusses Spiritual Direction

Shaping China’s Ambitions

As the United States gets its arms around the challenge of a long-term rivalry with China, several powerful but dubious claims are putting down roots in the collective thinking of the U.S. national security community. Some are well on the way to becoming unquestioned articles of faith, and like similar pieces of conventional wisdom that… Continue reading Shaping China’s Ambitions

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