Helping People Affected by Conflict: Q&A with Jacqueline Burns

Jacqueline Burns joined the U.S. Air Force because she wanted to help people, face to face, on the ground, whose lives had been torn apart by conflict or disaster. She was still in training when the attacks of 9/11 changed the mission. Burns, now a senior policy analyst at RAND, spent 12 years as an… Continue reading Helping People Affected by Conflict: Q&A with Jacqueline Burns

Turbo-Taper Sends Stocks & Bond Yields Lower On The Week

The Fed’s hawkish statement and Powell’s modest ‘good cop’ effort left rate-hike odds all higher on the week with May 2022 now the most likely ‘liftoff’ for rates… Source: Bloomberg While stonks kneejerked higher on Wednesday, this hawkish shift ended up dragging markets lower on the week. Nasdaq was the week’s biggest loser; The Dow… Continue reading Turbo-Taper Sends Stocks & Bond Yields Lower On The Week

Christmas on other planets, when Christmas ends, from St. Nick to Santa, 12 days of Christmas code? . . . & Weird Questions

Podcast: Download MYS186: It’s Christmas, so Cy Kellett of Catholic Answers Live is asking Jimmy Akin Christmas weird questions from listeners, including how we would celebrate Christmas on other planets; when Christmas ends; how we got from St. Nick to Santa; and whether the 12 days of Christmas is a secret code; and more. Get… Continue reading Christmas on other planets, when Christmas ends, from St. Nick to Santa, 12 days of Christmas code? . . . & Weird Questions

Categorized as Weird Tagged

Many Neuroscience Conferences Still Have No Black Speakers

The death of George Floyd in 2020 sparked intense emotion, and increased recognition of the need to take active measures in matters of race within science and academia. This piece considers the field’s immediate actions with regard to Black representation at neuroscience conferences, and whether we are rising to the occasion in an area under… Continue reading Many Neuroscience Conferences Still Have No Black Speakers

Taiwan Would Be Better Off Alone

And then there were 14. That was the new tally of Taiwan’s official diplomatic partners following Nicaragua’s decision earlier this month to swap ties with Taipei for Beijing. The Solomon Islands and Kiribati did the same in 2019. But a curious fact has been overshadowed in the coverage of Taiwan’s losses: Taipei has at times… Continue reading Taiwan Would Be Better Off Alone

Categorized as Intel Tagged

Bitcoin Is The Perfect Option, And Central Banks Will Have To Buy In

Authored by Greg Foss and Seb Bunney via, What happens if the market realizes that kicking the can down the road is delaying the inevitable? A sustainable form of insurance in this event would have to be bitcoin… In “part one” of this article, we provide a high-level overview on options, the components that… Continue reading Bitcoin Is The Perfect Option, And Central Banks Will Have To Buy In

An Unusual Christmas –

“Your father is recovering well,” the doctor assured us.  “He should be ready for a visit in a few minutes.” My sister and I breathed a sigh of relief.  Even though it was a routine heart procedure, our father’s declining health left both of us a bit nervous.  “Thank God”, I whispered to myself, realizing… Continue reading An Unusual Christmas –

Where Aliens Could Be Watching Us – Issue 106: Intelligent Life

Do you ever feel like someone is watching you? They could be. And I’m not talking about the odd neighbors at the end of your street. This summer, at the Carl Sagan Institute at Cornell University and the American Museum of Natural History in NYC, my colleague Jacky Faherty and I identified 1,715 stars in… Continue reading Where Aliens Could Be Watching Us – Issue 106: Intelligent Life

Taiwan Is Safe Until at Least 2027, but with One Big Caveat

Six years. That is how long Taiwan might have left before suffering a Chinese military attack. At least that was the estimate according to outgoing commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, Admiral Philip Davidson, back in March during open Congressional testimony. Since then, observers have seized on Davidson’s comments—which apparently reference the 100th anniversary of the… Continue reading Taiwan Is Safe Until at Least 2027, but with One Big Caveat

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NFL Touts Chinese Propaganda, Publishes Map Claiming Taiwan Belongs To China

By American Military News The National Football League (NFL) appears to have caved to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party, publishing on Wednesday a map that showed Taiwan belonging to China. The map was published as part of the NFL’s announcement that “18 teams have been granted access to 26 International Home Marketing Areas (IHMA)… Continue reading NFL Touts Chinese Propaganda, Publishes Map Claiming Taiwan Belongs To China