Confessing to a Cat? Satanic Panic? Bodily Mortification? Baptismal Tea? & More Weird Questions

Podcast: Download MYS134: Merry Christmas! Jimmy Akin is answering more weird questions, including whether an insane person confessing sins to a cat could result in forgiveness; whether one could baptize with tea in emergency; and whether some bodily mortification is spiritually healthy. Get all new episodes automatically and for free:Subscribe using the RSS feed | Subscribe using Apple Podcasts… Continue reading Confessing to a Cat? Satanic Panic? Bodily Mortification? Baptismal Tea? & More Weird Questions

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Origin Story: How Did the Coronavirus Emerge?

President Joe Biden has called for the U.S. intelligence community to “redouble efforts to determine the origins of the COVID-19” pandemic. This mandate is based on a new U.S. intelligence report that indicated several of the lab workers at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology became sick in autumn 2019 “with symptoms consistent with both COVID-19… Continue reading Origin Story: How Did the Coronavirus Emerge?

Markets Have Bought The Fed’s “Transitory” Narrative Hook, Line, & Sinker

Authored by Jesse Felder via, April’s inflation figures came in hotter than expected and [today’s hotter than expected CPI] only adds to that trend. As a result, you might think that markets may begin to price in an inflationary consensus. You would be wrong. As Nordea’s Mikael Sarwe tweeted last week: 🇺🇸 I note… Continue reading Markets Have Bought The Fed’s “Transitory” Narrative Hook, Line, & Sinker

New SEC Rule Effectively Bans Retail Investors from the OTC Gray Market

  The SEC just disrupted a niche corner of the stock market and their involvement could potentially lock retail investors out of areas of significant opportunity.  To put it shortly, the SEC is not allowing broker-dealers to quote non-reporting or “dark” companies. In other words, if a company doesn’t report timely financial statements and reports… Continue reading New SEC Rule Effectively Bans Retail Investors from the OTC Gray Market

Alien Demons, Alien Souls, Cremated Incorruptibles, Unintentional Indulgences & More Weird Questions

Podcast: Download MYS135: Happy New Year! Jimmy Akin is answering more weird questions, including whether indulgences can be retroactively applied; if UFO aliens could be demons; what happens to cremated saints who should be incorruptible; and whether aliens could have souls. Get all new episodes automatically and for free:Subscribe using the RSS feed | Subscribe using Apple Podcasts |… Continue reading Alien Demons, Alien Souls, Cremated Incorruptibles, Unintentional Indulgences & More Weird Questions

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How Computationally Complex Is a Single Neuron?

Our mushy brains seem a far cry from the solid silicon chips in computer processors, but scientists have a long history of comparing the two. As Alan Turing put it in 1952: “We are not interested in the fact that the brain has the consistency of cold porridge.” In other words, the medium doesn’t matter,… Continue reading How Computationally Complex Is a Single Neuron?

Electoral Reform, Trust & the Future of Post-Election Demagoguery

The second of two parts (to read Part 1, click here) Both parties made significant contributions to the post-election conflicts that culminated in the Capitol riots on Jan. 6. The Republican contribution was obvious: the demagoguery of Donald Trump and the willingness of so many Republicans to associate themselves with his claims. The Democratic contribution… Continue reading Electoral Reform, Trust & the Future of Post-Election Demagoguery

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