Genes Reveal How Some Rockfish Live up to 200 Years

Few groups of animals encapsulate the extremes of longevity more than fish. While coral reef pygmy govies survive for less than ten weeks, Greenland sharks can endure more than 500 years. So when a team of biologists at the University of California, Berkeley, wanted to explore the genetics of aging, they grabbed their fishing gear.… Continue reading Genes Reveal How Some Rockfish Live up to 200 Years

More Than Green: Leveraging Green Bonds to Invest in Greater Climate Resilience

The COP26 summit in Glasgow underscored the importance of climate resilience as a key policy goal around the world. As governments, businesses, and other entities look for capital to help meet their climate resilience goals, green bonds could represent an opportunity to attract and leverage new private finance and catalyze local markets to support public… Continue reading More Than Green: Leveraging Green Bonds to Invest in Greater Climate Resilience

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Goldman: Another Fiscal Package Next Year Appears Likely

Commenting on Friday’s passage of Biden’s BBB bill, Goldman’s Alec Phillips writes that the Biden fiscal agenda took two steps forward over the last week, as the President signed the “hard” infrastructure bill into law and the House passed its version of the “Build Back Better” (BBB) legislation. That said, those were arguably the easier… Continue reading Goldman: Another Fiscal Package Next Year Appears Likely

Apocalyptic Polygamy, Bell Witch, Troy, Lying, Sports in Heaven, Resurrected Kidneys, and More Patron Questions

Podcast: Download MYS183: We regularly give Patrons the opportunity to ask Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli their mysterious questions and make them available exclusively to Patrons first and then later to the whole audience in a special bonus release like this one. Get all new episodes automatically and for free: Follow by Email | Watch… Continue reading Apocalyptic Polygamy, Bell Witch, Troy, Lying, Sports in Heaven, Resurrected Kidneys, and More Patron Questions

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New Mineral Discovered in Deep-Earth Diamond

A diamond that formed deep in the earth’s mantle contains a mineral never seen before in nature. The discovery is a rare glimpse into the deep mantle and may help reveal new information about the structure of the planet at depths of more than 660 kilometers. This, in turn, can help geologists better understand how… Continue reading New Mineral Discovered in Deep-Earth Diamond

Geo-Engineering: The Climate Change Solution COP26 Ignores

They’ve come from far and wide to Glasgow for yet another climate summit — the scientists, the politicians, and the protesters — all vowing to save the planet. Although most of the dignitaries, presenters, and attendees at COP26 are sincere about wanting to lessen the threat of global warming, the conference agenda does not include… Continue reading Geo-Engineering: The Climate Change Solution COP26 Ignores

Categorized as Intel Tagged

SMA vs EMA – Which Is Better For Day Traders?

  The debate over the relative merits of simple moving average (SMA) and exponential moving average (EMA) is a contentious one. Day traders and investors alike often miss out when they choose one over the other. In this post, we lay out the differences and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each. We are also… Continue reading SMA vs EMA – Which Is Better For Day Traders?

Colorado Officials Scrapping “Sex Offender” Term, Citing “Negative Effects”

Authored by Naveen Athrappully via The Epoch Times, A Colorado board voted on Friday to no longer recognize the term “sex offender” in official documentation for people who commit sexual offenses to reflect so-called “person-first” language. The Colorado Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB), which controls treatment standards for people convicted of sex crimes, voted 10–6 to call… Continue reading Colorado Officials Scrapping “Sex Offender” Term, Citing “Negative Effects”

Nature’s Fear Factor – Issue 107: The Edge

When Mozambique’s civil war ended in 1992, more than 1 million people had lost their lives. Another 5 million were displaced. And the carnage was not restricted to humans: Gorongosa National Park, a 1,500-square-mile mosaic of habitats that was home to a richness of life almost unparalleled on Earth, had become a battlefield. Almost every… Continue reading Nature’s Fear Factor – Issue 107: The Edge

Why Are U.S. Veterans at Heightened Risk of Food Insecurity?

Last week, with Thanksgiving approaching, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced (PDF) a 90-day review of economic strains on military families, including the pressing issue of food insecurity. The National Defense Authorization Act bills in the House and Senate both proposed a “basic needs allowance” to make sure active-duty service members’ income is high… Continue reading Why Are U.S. Veterans at Heightened Risk of Food Insecurity?

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