Cargo Handlers Move To Airport Suburbs To Escape O’Hare Congestion

By Eric Kulisch of Freight Waves, Ground service providers drowning in shipments delivered by airlines are responding to massive gridlock at Chicago O’Hare by permanently relocating some warehouse operations outside the property  to increase capacity in what could increasingly become a model at major U.S. airports that haven’t prioritized investment in cargo facilities. Alliance Ground… Continue reading Cargo Handlers Move To Airport Suburbs To Escape O’Hare Congestion

What Are Cult Stocks And How Should You Trade Them?

  Browse through any major finance website, and you will likely see a post about “cult stocks.” If you are new to stock trading, this might be very confusing. Are they talking about a company engaging in evil activities? Well, the reality is much simpler. The term cult stocks refers to stocks that enjoy a… Continue reading What Are Cult Stocks And How Should You Trade Them?

Gravity Hills, Selling Your Soul, Winchester Mansion, Ghost Hunting, and More Patron Questions

Podcast: Download MYS145: We regularly give Patrons the opportunity to ask Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli their mysterious questions and make them available exclusively to Patrons first and then later to the whole audience in a special bonus release. Get all new episodes automatically and for free:Subscribe using the RSS feed | Subscribe using Apple Podcasts | Subscribe using… Continue reading Gravity Hills, Selling Your Soul, Winchester Mansion, Ghost Hunting, and More Patron Questions

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Our Little Life Is Rounded with Possibility – Issue 102: Hidden Truths

If you could soar high in the sky, as red kites often do in search of prey, and look down at the domain of all things known and yet to be known, you would see something very curious: a vast class of things that science has so far almost entirely neglected. These things are central… Continue reading Our Little Life Is Rounded with Possibility – Issue 102: Hidden Truths

Illinois Democrats Launch a Cultural Revolution

In these head-spinning times, first principles about government are all in play: what it’s for, and how it relates to the people. Not long ago, Democrat and Republican politicians and activists differed over priorities: More guns or more butter?  Today, the parties differ more fundamentally over the purpose, role and function of government itself. The… Continue reading Illinois Democrats Launch a Cultural Revolution

Categorized as Intel Tagged

Reddit Strikes Again: Explaining The Recent Reddit Rally in Wendy’s

  Reddit did it again. You can’t be blamed for thinking that the short squeezes in January 2021 were a complete anomaly, not to be repeated. Market pundits have plenty of explanations for why, but it happened again. Last time, the main event was GameStop (GME), and this time it was (is?) AMC Entertainment (AMC). … Continue reading Reddit Strikes Again: Explaining The Recent Reddit Rally in Wendy’s

Fascist Coup in the USA! (The Business Plot of 1934)

Podcast: Download MYS146: In 1934, America was in the grips of the Great Depression and people were desperate for solutions. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the shadowy group of businessmen who began plotting to install an American fascist dictator and how close they came to succeeding. Get all new episodes automatically and for free:Follow using… Continue reading Fascist Coup in the USA! (The Business Plot of 1934)

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Finland takes steps in the openness of academic journal pricing — Mostly Physics

(The title is a riff on my 2016 post announcing the efforts of Finnish open science activists to obtain pricing information through the courts.) Edit 1: I gave a comment for a Times Higher Education article on Elsevier’s negotiations. Edit 2: on Feb 2, 2018, FinELib released more details, including the level of total price… Continue reading Finland takes steps in the openness of academic journal pricing — Mostly Physics