This Computer Scientist Seeks a Future Where AI Development Values Copyright

Using a powerful text- or image-generating artificial intelligence can feel like witnessing the mythical birth of Athena as she strides, fully formed and dressed in armor, out of Zeus’ forehead. Write a short prompt, and an instant later, lucid paragraphs or realistic images appear on the screen (joined, possibly soon, by convincing video). Those first… Continue reading This Computer Scientist Seeks a Future Where AI Development Values Copyright

Greenwashing Kamala Harris: How the Veep Casts Herself as an Environmental Justice Crusader

SAN FRANCISCO—Vice President Kamala Harris has long cast herself as a fearless pioneer of efforts to fight for social and environmental justice. “When I was elected DA of San Francisco,” Harris told a gathering at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta last year, “I started the first environmental justice unit of any DA’s office… Continue reading Greenwashing Kamala Harris: How the Veep Casts Herself as an Environmental Justice Crusader

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The Question of What’s Fair Illuminates the Question of What’s Hard

The trio ended up establishing a kind of dictionary translating between fairness tools and ideas in complexity theory. They showed that any population — whether it’s days to be forecast or applicants awaiting loans — could be translated into a landscape of possible inputs for a computational problem. With the connections established, the researchers showed… Continue reading The Question of What’s Fair Illuminates the Question of What’s Hard

The New Math of How Large-Scale Order Emerges

Would Rosas’ scheme help to understand the emergence of robust, large-scale structure in a case like Jupiter’s Great Red Spot? The huge vortex “might satisfy computational closure” Rosas said, “but we’d need to do a proper analysis before being able to claim anything.” As for living organisms, they seem sometimes to be emergent but sometimes… Continue reading The New Math of How Large-Scale Order Emerges

Will a Crime Wave in this PA City Shape the Election Outcome?

Scranton, the Electric City and boyhood home of President Joe Biden, will likely figure in the political headlines throughout the 2024 election season. That’s largely because it’s located in Northeastern Pennsylvania – one of the swingiest areas of arguably the most important swing state. The city received visits from both major party candidates during the… Continue reading Will a Crime Wave in this PA City Shape the Election Outcome?

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