International Space Station Suffers Leak, But Crew Remains Safe

Space station astronauts were “never in any danger” following a coolant leak Monday (Oct. 9) on a Russian module, NASA officials have said. Toxic ammonia flakes were observed on the International Space Station‘s (ISS) Russian Nauka Multipurpose Laboratory Module (MLM) around 1 p.m. EDT (1700 GMT). Personnel in NASA‘s Mission Control in Houston first spotted the “possible”… Continue reading International Space Station Suffers Leak, But Crew Remains Safe

The Mystery of Synesthesia (Letters, Numbers, Colors, Sounds, Perception, Psychic)

Podcast: Download MYS288: When you see a written word, do you also see colors in your mind? Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore the mystery of synesthesia where colors, sounds, letters, and numbers can all mix together in perception. What is synesthesia? Who has it? And what is responsible for it? Get all new episodes… Continue reading The Mystery of Synesthesia (Letters, Numbers, Colors, Sounds, Perception, Psychic)

Categorized as Weird Tagged

The Milky Way May Be Missing a Trillion Suns’ Worth of Mass

There’s something strange going on with the Milky Way. Recent measurements suggest that stars at the outskirts of our galaxy are misbehaving. They’re traveling far slower than similarly situated stars in other galaxies. One possible explanation for the Milky Way’s stellar slowpokes is that our galaxy is extraordinarily deficient in dark matter, the invisible substance… Continue reading The Milky Way May Be Missing a Trillion Suns’ Worth of Mass

Why Women Earn Less Than Men: Economic Historian Wins Nobel for Work on Gender Pay Gap

October 11, 2023 4 min read Claudia Goldin mined 200 years of data to show that greater economic growth did not lead to wage parity or more women in the workplace By Philip Ball & Nature magazine Claudia Goldin, the Henry Lee Professor of Economics at Harvard University, speaks at a press conference after being named this… Continue reading Why Women Earn Less Than Men: Economic Historian Wins Nobel for Work on Gender Pay Gap

Here’s the ‘Jan. 6 Jurisprudence’ About to Be Unleashed on Trump

Defense attorneys have coined the term “January 6 Jurisprudence” to describe the treatment received by the more than 1,200 defendants arrested so far in connection with the events of Jan. 6, 2021. This carve-out legal system involves the unprecedented and possibly unlawful use of a corporate evidence-tampering statute; excessive prison sentences and indefinite periods of… Continue reading Here’s the ‘Jan. 6 Jurisprudence’ About to Be Unleashed on Trump

Categorized as Intel Tagged

A Soggy Mission to Sniff Out a Greenhouse Gas ‘Bomb’ in the High Arctic

Jocie Bentley (tape): PSA: don’t bring hiking boots when walking the tundra. Your feet will get soaked like a wet sponge. Gabriel Hould Gosselin (tape): Almost there. [laughs] About halfway. Well, it’s a lot faster with snowmobiles. Bentley: Hey, I’m Jocie Bentley, and this is the final episode of a three-part Science, Quickly Fascination series from… Continue reading A Soggy Mission to Sniff Out a Greenhouse Gas ‘Bomb’ in the High Arctic

The Buzz on Buzzfeed | RealClearBooks

The following is a condensed version of “The Buzz on Buzzfeed” by Tony Spanakos, published at Law & Liberty.  In 2023, Buzzfeed and Vice announced that they were shutting down the news sections of their websites. In its short life, Buzzfeed news made the Steele Dossier available and its reporting on the treatment of Uyghurs in Xinjiang… Continue reading The Buzz on Buzzfeed | RealClearBooks

Categorized as Intel Tagged

Monkeys with Transplanted Pig Kidneys Live for Up to Two Years or More

People seeking a kidney transplant often have to wait years for a donor organ to become available—and many die before ever receiving one. Xenotransplantation, in which organs from one species are transplanted into another, could alleviate the organ shortage. But bridging millions of years of evolutionary divergence between two species is a tall order, so… Continue reading Monkeys with Transplanted Pig Kidneys Live for Up to Two Years or More

Evolving Bacteria Can Evade Barriers to ‘Peak’ Fitness

For many decades, exploring fitness landscapes was primarily the reserve of theoreticians working with simulated organisms, or pioneering experimentalists working on a relatively small scale. But with the rise of easy, inexpensive gene editing technology, the team behind the new paper wondered if they could build a very large adaptive landscape using living organisms, said… Continue reading Evolving Bacteria Can Evade Barriers to ‘Peak’ Fitness

The New Quest to Control Evolution

Evolution is a complicated thing. Much of modern evolutionary biology seeks to reconcile the seeming randomness of the forces behind the process — how mutations occur, for example — with the fundamental principles that apply across the biosphere. Generations of biologists have hoped to comprehend evolution’s rhyme and reason enough to be able to predict… Continue reading The New Quest to Control Evolution