PSYOP Regimental Blog

  The Shoemaker’s Children Are Barefoot – or who counter’s enemy influence on the US military? A number of publications including the prestigious reported on October 21, 2021 that the “U.S. Army Failed to Warn Troops About COVID-19 Disinformation” ( see: which is also a photo source) According to the article close to… Continue reading PSYOP Regimental Blog

Moscow Hesitated in Poland—Will It in Belarus?

Forty years ago, Russia used a major military exercise in part to scare Poland’s communist leaders into cracking down on protesters, many associated with the independent trade union Solidarity. A similar Russian exercise now could be aimed in part at pressuring Belarus. If so, the West could respond in several ways. On September 10, Russia… Continue reading Moscow Hesitated in Poland—Will It in Belarus?

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Back to the 1970s | RealClearWorld

When U.S. President Joe Biden went to Cornwallis, England, to meet with the world leaders of the G7, he wanted to impress upon everyone that Trump’s reign was over. “America is Back!” was the big, bold statement Biden’s team projected throughout the meeting. Months later, as the U.S. scrambled to evacuate military and civilian personnel… Continue reading Back to the 1970s | RealClearWorld

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Hurricane Ida Is Part of a Cycle of Disasters—Mitigating Their Impact Means Building Back Better

Hurricane Ida’s landfall in Louisiana August 29 left at least 62 dead, more than one million without power, and hundreds needing rescue—horrifying measures of devastation, to be sure, as they played across our screens—yet it’s easy for onlookers across the country to forget this is a too-common sight. Louisiana and its neighbors have been hammered… Continue reading Hurricane Ida Is Part of a Cycle of Disasters—Mitigating Their Impact Means Building Back Better

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Can Third Parties Make a Difference in 2024?

Second of two parts Should 2024 develop into a four-way race between a Republican, a Democrat, Andrew Yang or another candidate from his Forward Party, and an anti-Trump conservative, presidential politics will enter volatile, if not quite uncharted, territory. Leaving aside 2016, serious four-way contests (in which two third parties received at least 2% of… Continue reading Can Third Parties Make a Difference in 2024?

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Rubio Bill Would Hold Woke Corporations Accountable

Call it a “wokelash.” Ordinary Americans are fed up with corporations’ woke politics on issues unrelated to their businesses. A recent Rasmussen poll finds that two-thirds of Americans think companies should stay out of politics. Now, new legislation sponsored by Sen. Marco Rubio will help people hold companies accountable for their political virtue signaling. The Mind Your Own Business… Continue reading Rubio Bill Would Hold Woke Corporations Accountable

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The Guilt I Carry Over 9/11 Drives Me to Help Others

Something was strange about my drill instructor walking into the barracks with a boombox. It was Sept. 11, 2001. I was getting ready to graduate from boot camp at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego. “Ears!” “Open, sir!” “Terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center in New York. You’re going to war.” The drill… Continue reading The Guilt I Carry Over 9/11 Drives Me to Help Others

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No Need to Read Between the Lines: How Clear Shifts in Nordic Strategies Create Opportunities for the United States to Enhance Arctic Security

The United States has historically aimed to counter Soviet and Russian military threats and strategic influence in the European Arctic and its principle adjoining countries—Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Although these countries have traditionally enjoyed strong relations with the United States, they have equally showed a steadfast reluctance to provoke the Russian military and endanger close… Continue reading No Need to Read Between the Lines: How Clear Shifts in Nordic Strategies Create Opportunities for the United States to Enhance Arctic Security

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Of Course The Taliban Are PSYOP Experts! They Don’t Have Much Competition!

  I ran across an MSN article dated June 22, 2021. “The Taliban Are Winning the War of Words in Afghanistan as morale falters” (see: The article began: “As Afghanistan’s armed forces cede and regain ground in the searing summer offensive against the Taliban, they are losing a propaganda war that is affecting the… Continue reading Of Course The Taliban Are PSYOP Experts! They Don’t Have Much Competition!

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Iran Disinformation Points Way For Near Peers and Others

  The NY Times June 30, 2021 On line edition ran an article: “Iran Disinformation Effort Went Small to Stay Under Big Tech’s Radar” (see:, which is a photo source)   According to the article “Over several months, Iranian agents had infiltrated small WhatsApp groups, Telegram channels and messaging apps that Israeli activists used… Continue reading Iran Disinformation Points Way For Near Peers and Others