In the stock market, trading volume refers to the number of shares/contracts of a stock that have changed hands over a given period of time. Volume plays a critical role in technical analysis and is recognized as an indispensable indicator that helps confirm trends and patterns. If the price of a stock with a… Continue reading How to Use the Negative Volume Index (NVI) Indicator
NASA’s Perseverance Rover Chokes on Mars Pebbles while Collecting a Rock Sample
NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover has some rocks stuck in its throat. Perseverance drilled and collected its sixth Red Planet rock sample late last month, but the car-sized rover hasn’t been able to seal up the titanium tube containing the material yet. “I recently captured my sixth rock core and have encountered a new challenge. Seems some… Continue reading NASA’s Perseverance Rover Chokes on Mars Pebbles while Collecting a Rock Sample
Amidst A Historic Shortage Of Drivers, Debate About Autonomous 18-Wheelers Has Begun
While the debate about the safety of self-driving cars rages on between automakers and regulators, another debate is about to begin: can massive self-driving 40 ton 18-wheeler trucks be safe on the roads? Forcing the issue are companies like J.B. Hunt , Uber’s freight division and FedEx – all of whom are testing autonomous big… Continue reading Amidst A Historic Shortage Of Drivers, Debate About Autonomous 18-Wheelers Has Begun
Fr. Boniface Hicks on Catechesis, Accompaniment, and Spiritual Direction
Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB Fr. Boniface Hicks is a monk of Saint Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, where he serves as director of spiritual life. In 2018 he became a founding contributor of the Saint Vincent Seminary Institute of Ministry Formation, where he offers teaching on the spiritual life and spiritual direction formation. An author… Continue reading Fr. Boniface Hicks on Catechesis, Accompaniment, and Spiritual Direction
Will the Battle to Replace Breyer Be Bitter, or Just Close?
Wednesday’s announcement by Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer that he would be retiring at the end of the court’s current session has raised the obvious question of how contentious the battle over his replacement will be. One thing is almost certain to be true: No matter who is nominated by President Joe Biden, there will… Continue reading Will the Battle to Replace Breyer Be Bitter, or Just Close?
The Simulated World According to David Chalmers
Even if you’ve never seen the original Matrix movie, you probably know the central premise: Our hero, a computer programmer named Neo, discovers that reality is not as it seems. What he understood to be his world was a simulation; he eventually awakes in a liquid-filled pod, where his body had been languishing. That, of… Continue reading The Simulated World According to David Chalmers
“Think Twice Before You Vaccinate Your Kids”, Dr. Robert Malone Warns Parents On COVID-19 Shots
Authored by Mimi Nguyen Ly and Jan Jekielek via The Epoch Times, Dr. Robert Malone, a virologist and immunologist who has contributed significantly to the technology of mRNA vaccines, issued a strong caution for those who seek to have their children vaccinated against COVID-19. “Think twice before you vaccinate your kids. Because if something bad happens,… Continue reading “Think Twice Before You Vaccinate Your Kids”, Dr. Robert Malone Warns Parents On COVID-19 Shots
No Water in Hell –
Recently, I was questioned about the efficacy of holy water in an exorcism. The notion was met with disbelief. Perhaps it seemed like Catholic “superstition.” So let’s take a deeper look…. There is no water in hell. Water is a necessary source of life. In hell, there is only death. Perhaps this is why demons… Continue reading No Water in Hell –
How Universities Will Sidestep SCOTUS on Affirmative Action
Embracing affirmative action is virtually a job qualification for university administrators. The same is true, alas, for faculty and students in the humanities and social sciences. They march in lockstep toward a society permanently categorized by race, all with the best of intentions but not the best of outcomes. They aren’t just woke. Their eyelids… Continue reading How Universities Will Sidestep SCOTUS on Affirmative Action
Market Overview for Week of January 31, 2022
Last week was a turbulent one for the stock market, with the S&P 500 declining about 100 points, or about 1.9% as of Thursday’s close. That might not sound like a lot as a number, but the VIX reached its highest level since November 2020 with a high on Monday of 38.94, indicating… Continue reading Market Overview for Week of January 31, 2022