‘Magical’ Error Correction Scheme Proved Inherently Inefficient

Unfortunately, the Reed-Muller code has a serious drawback: The number of bits required to encode a message increases exponentially with the number of variables. If you want a highly local code that corrects errors with just a handful of queries, you’ll need a lot of variables for long messages, and the Reed-Muller code will quickly… Continue reading ‘Magical’ Error Correction Scheme Proved Inherently Inefficient

Religious Liberty Is Fundamental to Diversity

When people complain about polarization in America, religious freedom sometimes takes the blame. How can people who disagree about such fundamental questions of life form one nation?    Actually, Americans have been finding ways to live with disagreements for centuries—since before we were a nation. And the religious liberty protections of our First Amendment have… Continue reading Religious Liberty Is Fundamental to Diversity

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Thunderstorm Damage Keeps Rising

December 8, 2023 2 min read Increasingly frequent thunderstorms caused insurers to pay $60 billion in claims in 2023 By Thomas Frank & E&E News Lightning strikes over Albuquerque, New Mexico. CLIMATEWIRE | Despite a small number of weather catastrophes this year, property insurers are facing huge losses and weak finances, partly from climate change, according… Continue reading Thunderstorm Damage Keeps Rising

With Higher Education on Trial, Policy Changes May Be the Only Path to a Winning Case

In the court of public opinion, higher education is on trial. Enrollment has been declining for a decade, and the trend cannot be explained entirely by demographic shifts. More than half of Americans now say they don’t believe college is worth the cost. People from disadvantaged backgrounds are growing especially skeptical, with just 45 percent of students from low-income,… Continue reading With Higher Education on Trial, Policy Changes May Be the Only Path to a Winning Case

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New Kind of Magnetism Spotted in an Engineered Material

All the magnets you have ever interacted with, such as the tchotchkes stuck to your refrigerator door, are magnetic for the same reason. But what if there were another, stranger way to make a material magnetic? In 1966, the Japanese physicist Yosuke Nagaoka conceived of a type of magnetism produced by a seemingly unnatural dance… Continue reading New Kind of Magnetism Spotted in an Engineered Material

Celebrating Korean Culture This Korean American Day

Saturday marks Korean American Day, which honors the arrival of the first Korean migrants to the United States on January 13, 1903, and celebrates the contributions of our Korean American community. As we recognize Korean American Day, I reflect on the sacrifices my family made in the aftermath of the Korean War to come the… Continue reading Celebrating Korean Culture This Korean American Day

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Evolution: Fast or Slow? Lizards Help Resolve a Paradox.

Over time, however, that variability averaged out into stasis. Even if traits wobbled off their optimal, moderate peak from one generation to the next, there was a net effect of stabilization — ultimately leading to little change over the multiple generations. Experts who reviewed Stroud and his team’s data were impressed by its thoroughness and… Continue reading Evolution: Fast or Slow? Lizards Help Resolve a Paradox.