Secret Messages Can Hide in AI-Generated Media

The result comes from the world of information theory, which provides a mathematical framework for understanding communication of all sorts. It’s an abstract and tidy field, in contrast to the complicated messiness of practical steganography. The worlds don’t often overlap, said Jessica Fridrich, a researcher at Binghamton University who studies ways to hide (and detect)… Continue reading Secret Messages Can Hide in AI-Generated Media

Weighing the Soul? (Scientific evidence for the human soul? Spirit? Life after death?)

Podcast: Download MYS259: Could the human soul ever be scientifically detected? Could it even be weighed? Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss a series of experiments that claimed to detect the departure of the soul at death, whether that’s possible, and what other researchers have found. Get all new episodes automatically and for free: Follow… Continue reading Weighing the Soul? (Scientific evidence for the human soul? Spirit? Life after death?)

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After Nearly a Century, a New Limit for Patterns in Graphs

“I was floored,” said Yuval Wigderson, a mathematician at Tel Aviv University, on hearing about the new result. “I was literally shaking for half an hour to an hour.” The Party Lines Ramsey theory most commonly asks questions either about the integers or about graphs. A graph, in this context, refers to collections of points called… Continue reading After Nearly a Century, a New Limit for Patterns in Graphs

In the New Scientific Age, the Non-Sciences Are More Important Than Ever

Over the past 40 years, Western education has emphasized math, engineering, and invention, while neglecting the disciplines that allow us to cope with their creations. We are more equipped than ever to disrupt entire economies and ways of life with technology and less equipped than ever to deal with the consequences. If we want to retain a life worth… Continue reading In the New Scientific Age, the Non-Sciences Are More Important Than Ever

50,000 Worms Tangled Up in a Ball Unravel in an Explosive Burst when a Predator Appears

Anyone who’s grappled with jumbled headphones knows the difficulty of disentangling snarled cords. A tight knot is nothing for a California blackworm, however. These tiny worms twist together by the thousands to form tightly packed blobs reminiscent of a forkful of squirming spaghetti. While these tangles take minutes to form, intertwined blackworms can wriggle free… Continue reading 50,000 Worms Tangled Up in a Ball Unravel in an Explosive Burst when a Predator Appears

Ex-DOJ Official and Wife Had Bigger Roles in Dossier Than Known: Durham Report

While it’s bad enough the debunked dossier the FBI used to spy on the Trump campaign was paid for by the Clinton campaign and authored by a foreign FBI informant and his carousing researcher, the newly released report of Special Counsel John Durham strongly suggests a top Justice Department official and his wife had an… Continue reading Ex-DOJ Official and Wife Had Bigger Roles in Dossier Than Known: Durham Report

Is Perpetual Motion Possible at the Quantum Level?

Perpetual motion machines are impossible, at least in our everyday world. But down at the level of quantum mechanics, the laws of thermodynamics don’t always apply in quite the same way. In 2021, after years of effort, physicists successfully demonstrated the reality of a “time crystal,” a new state of matter that is both stable… Continue reading Is Perpetual Motion Possible at the Quantum Level?