My dad died when I was sixteen. Nine days later, I turned seventeen. I don’t remember much about that year. The days passed in a haze of grief, though at the time, I didn’t know to call the hollowed-out feeling I lived with “grief.” Nor did I know that the constant exhaustion I felt was… Continue reading Meeting Jesus in the Eucharist
50,000 Worms Tangled Up in a Ball Unravel in an Explosive Burst when a Predator Appears
Anyone who’s grappled with jumbled headphones knows the difficulty of disentangling snarled cords. A tight knot is nothing for a California blackworm, however. These tiny worms twist together by the thousands to form tightly packed blobs reminiscent of a forkful of squirming spaghetti. While these tangles take minutes to form, intertwined blackworms can wriggle free… Continue reading 50,000 Worms Tangled Up in a Ball Unravel in an Explosive Burst when a Predator Appears
Alan Turing’s Most Important Machine Was Never Built
Computation is a familiar concept most of us understand intuitively. Take the function f(x) = x + 3. When x is three, f(3) = 3 + 3. Six. Easy. It seems obvious that this function is computable. But some functions aren’t so simple, and it’s not so easy to determine if they can be computed,… Continue reading Alan Turing’s Most Important Machine Was Never Built
Ex-DOJ Official and Wife Had Bigger Roles in Dossier Than Known: Durham Report
While it’s bad enough the debunked dossier the FBI used to spy on the Trump campaign was paid for by the Clinton campaign and authored by a foreign FBI informant and his carousing researcher, the newly released report of Special Counsel John Durham strongly suggests a top Justice Department official and his wife had an… Continue reading Ex-DOJ Official and Wife Had Bigger Roles in Dossier Than Known: Durham Report
Is Perpetual Motion Possible at the Quantum Level?
Perpetual motion machines are impossible, at least in our everyday world. But down at the level of quantum mechanics, the laws of thermodynamics don’t always apply in quite the same way. In 2021, after years of effort, physicists successfully demonstrated the reality of a “time crystal,” a new state of matter that is both stable… Continue reading Is Perpetual Motion Possible at the Quantum Level?
What Makes a Mammal? 423,000 Newly Identified DNA Regions Guide Our Genes
Running wolves, flying bats and swimming dolphins seem to have few similarities. But these widely disparate animals are among at least 240 mammalian species—including humans—that share a full 10 percent of their genome. This discovery includes more than 400,000 never-before-identified stretches of DNA that likely control the way that genes—the segments of genetic material that… Continue reading What Makes a Mammal? 423,000 Newly Identified DNA Regions Guide Our Genes
Exorcist Diary: Generational Curses –
James was a severe alcoholic. After a serious illness that almost took his life, James stopped drinking. He vowed to return to his faith after having lapsed for a decade. However, when he started going back to the Catholic Mass, he began to have strange reactions. He blacked out several times while engaged in religious… Continue reading Exorcist Diary: Generational Curses –
The Lifesaving Sled Dog Balto Had Genes unlike Those of Dog Breeds Today
When it comes to heroic dogs, Balto is high on the list. The famous Siberian husky inspired a 1995 animated film and was immortalized as a statue in New York City’s Central Park for being part of a dogsled team that delivered lifesaving antitoxin to a remote Alaskan town that was struck by diphtheria in… Continue reading The Lifesaving Sled Dog Balto Had Genes unlike Those of Dog Breeds Today
13 Tips For Catholics Dealing With Anxiety
There’s a cluttered cabinet under the sink calling your name. A closet of disorganized chaos that smacks your conscience when you open the door. And how about all those clothes you know you’ll never actually wear? They need to be gathered up, and washed, and prepared for donations. Even if the bag just sits in… Continue reading 13 Tips For Catholics Dealing With Anxiety
Florida Labor-Reform Measures Cut Government Unions Down to Size
After engaging with Florida lawmakers for several years, the Freedom Foundation played a key role in helping the state pass the country’s most muscular labor-reform bill since Wisconsin’s Act 10 in 2011. In the interim, several states have adopted portions of the Wisconsin model. Then the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2018 ruling in Janus v. AFSCME… Continue reading Florida Labor-Reform Measures Cut Government Unions Down to Size