What It Would Take for Electric Vehicles to Help Power the Grid

CLIMATEWIRE | A new California bill would turn electric vehicles into a backup power supply for the state’s troubled grid. But experts say the idea — while promising — still has some technological hurdles to overcome. And they warn that mandates such as the one prescribed in the California measure could increase the cost of electric… Continue reading What It Would Take for Electric Vehicles to Help Power the Grid

Criminal Justice Disaster | RealClearPolicy

Over the past decade or so, America has undertaken a radical experiment with criminal justice reform. The consequences have been devastating. The number of people arrested in America each year has fallen sharply over the past two decades. Public prosecutors now prosecute significantly fewer cases. Those that are convicted can generally expect shorter sentences. The… Continue reading Criminal Justice Disaster | RealClearPolicy

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Dogs Can Carry Mutant Flu Strains

Mutant strains of a common human flu virus have been found in dogs for the first time, prompting concerns that such viruses could start to spread easily among pets—and potentially evolve into dangerous new strains that jump back to humans. Nanjing Agricultural University virologist Shuo Su and his colleagues identified two dogs in southern China… Continue reading Dogs Can Carry Mutant Flu Strains

What if it’s Wonderful? Preparing our Hearts for Pentecost

If there’s one virtue I struggle with, it would be hope. In part because of my melancholic nature, my inner pendulum swings more toward pessimism.  I see the difficulties before they arise, sigh with the weight of anticipated woes, expect disappointment around every corner, and wait for the other shoe to drop. At times, it… Continue reading What if it’s Wonderful? Preparing our Hearts for Pentecost

Memories Help Brains Recognize New Events Worth Remembering

Memories are shadows of the past but also flashlights for the future. Our recollections guide us through the world, tune our attention and shape what we learn later in life. Human and animal studies have shown that memories can alter our perceptions of future events and the attention we give them. “We know that past… Continue reading Memories Help Brains Recognize New Events Worth Remembering

Are There Reasons to Believe in a Multiverse?

By definition, the universe seems like it should be the totality of everything that exists. Yet a variety of arguments emerging from cosmology, particle physics and quantum mechanics hint that there could also be unobservable universes beyond our own that follow different laws of nature. While the existence of a multiverse is speculative, for many… Continue reading Are There Reasons to Believe in a Multiverse?

The Bread of Life and the Need of the Human Heart

Anthony Lilles Anthony Lilles, a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, completed his graduate and post-graduate studies in Rome at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas. He and his lovely wife, Agnes, are blessed with three children and live in California, where he is the Academic Dean, and Associate Professor of Theology, St. John’s Seminary,… Continue reading The Bread of Life and the Need of the Human Heart

Secret Messages Can Hide in AI-Generated Media

The result comes from the world of information theory, which provides a mathematical framework for understanding communication of all sorts. It’s an abstract and tidy field, in contrast to the complicated messiness of practical steganography. The worlds don’t often overlap, said Jessica Fridrich, a researcher at Binghamton University who studies ways to hide (and detect)… Continue reading Secret Messages Can Hide in AI-Generated Media