Cheap New Method Breaks Down ‘Forever Chemicals’

Researchers have developed an approach to break down a class of long-lasting chemicals that they say is easier and cheaper than the harsh methods currently used. The work also hints at how these chemicals, which have been linked to health problems, fall apart — a finding that could help to ultimately destroy these persistent pollutants. Per-… Continue reading Cheap New Method Breaks Down ‘Forever Chemicals’

Why China Should Worry About Asia’s Reaction to AUKUS

When U.S. President Joe Biden met with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in San Diego last month, the three leaders announced a crucial next step for the Australia–United Kingdom–United States (AUKUS) security pact. Australia will purchase at least three, and possibly five, Virginia-class nuclear-powered submarines from the United States… Continue reading Why China Should Worry About Asia’s Reaction to AUKUS

Categorized as Intel Tagged

How the Inside of a Black Hole Is Secretly on the Outside

Theoretical physics has been in crisis mode ever since 1974, when Stephen Hawking argued that black holes destroy information. Hawking showed that a black hole can evaporate, gradually transforming itself and anything it consumes into a featureless cloud of radiation. During the process, information about what fell into the black hole is apparently lost, violating… Continue reading How the Inside of a Black Hole Is Secretly on the Outside

The Cash-Landrum UFO Incident (Radiation? Government Experiment? Cover-Up?)

Podcast: Download MYS254: In 1980, two women and a boy had a frightening encounter with a UFO blazing light and fire. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the event, the health effects it had, the women’s battle with the US gov’t over it, and what could be responsible for it all. Get all new episodes… Continue reading The Cash-Landrum UFO Incident (Radiation? Government Experiment? Cover-Up?)

Categorized as Weird Tagged

South Africans Without Electricity For Nine Hours A Day Amid “Ginormous” Blackouts

Amid all the focus on Europe’s energy troubles in the past year, a byproduct of the continent’s legacy reliance on Russian commodity exports, it has largely slipped the world’s attention that a far more brutal – and mostly ignored – energy crisis is taking place right now in South Africa, which recently declared a state… Continue reading South Africans Without Electricity For Nine Hours A Day Amid “Ginormous” Blackouts

Children’s Risk of Suicide Increases on School Days

Reading about death and suicidality can be distressing. Please read this in a moment where you feel safest and ready to do so. Pediatricians, child psychologists and psychiatrists, social workers and pediatric emergency teams know something that many people who care for children don’t: we are much busier during the school year. I’m a full-time… Continue reading Children’s Risk of Suicide Increases on School Days

Participation in the Sacrifice –

An elderly lady once told me that when she was growing up long before the Second Vatican Council, the Sisters in her Catholic school taught all the students to play their PART at Mass. PART stands for Petition, Adoration, Reparation, and Thanksgiving. In his passion, the Lord Jesus offered up petitionary prayer to the Father,… Continue reading Participation in the Sacrifice –

Global Sperm Counts Declining At Accelerating Rate: New Meta-Analysis

Authored by David Charbonneau via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), A recently published meta-analysis shows that global sperm counts are declining worldwide—at an accelerating rate. The article, published in the journal Human Reproduction Update in November 2022 by an international team of researchers, reviewed 2,936 scholarly abstracts and 868 full articles and analyzed data from… Continue reading Global Sperm Counts Declining At Accelerating Rate: New Meta-Analysis