Program of life – Roman Catholic Spiritual Direction

Editor’s note: this post was originally published here on 6/30/09. Dear Father John, what is a “Program of Life” and why is it important to my spiritual progress and spiritual direction? One of the enemies of good spiritual direction is excessive subjectivity. We all have urgent personal issues that come and go; they occupy our… Continue reading Program of life – Roman Catholic Spiritual Direction

Weird Dreams Train Our Brains to Be Better Learners – Facts So Romantic

Neural networks need to “dream” of weird, senseless examples to learn well. Maybe we do, too.Photo Illustration by MDV Edwards / Shutterstock For many of us over the last year and more, our waking experience has, you might say, lost a bit of its variety. We spend more time with the same people, in our… Continue reading Weird Dreams Train Our Brains to Be Better Learners – Facts So Romantic

Hurricane Ida Is Part of a Cycle of Disasters—Mitigating Their Impact Means Building Back Better

Hurricane Ida’s landfall in Louisiana August 29 left at least 62 dead, more than one million without power, and hundreds needing rescue—horrifying measures of devastation, to be sure, as they played across our screens—yet it’s easy for onlookers across the country to forget this is a too-common sight. Louisiana and its neighbors have been hammered… Continue reading Hurricane Ida Is Part of a Cycle of Disasters—Mitigating Their Impact Means Building Back Better

Categorized as Intel Tagged

Green Children of Woolpit, Levitation, and more Patron Questions Podcast: Download MYS048: As a thanks to our Patrons, Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli asked for their mysterious questions and Jimmy provided his answers on a variety of topics. This special episode was exclusive for patrons for a limited time and is now available to our general audience. Get all new episodes automatically and… Continue reading Green Children of Woolpit, Levitation, and more Patron Questions

Categorized as Weird Tagged

How To Use Technical Analysis the Right Way for Reversal Trading

  Much of the popular literature in technical analysis deals with the variation between trends and ranges. Traders and investors tend to follow the herd, for better or worse, and whatever the dominant state of a market is, trend or range, traders tend to extrapolate into the future and expect to continue. When these expectations… Continue reading How To Use Technical Analysis the Right Way for Reversal Trading

Calculating the graphene C 1s core level binding energy — Mostly Physics

I have a new article just out, published as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review B. The work is a computational study co-authored with Duncan Mowbray and Mathias Ljungberg from San Sebastian, Spain, and Paola Ayala from Vienna. As described in the post about my recent review article, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is an extremely useful tool for studying… Continue reading Calculating the graphene C 1s core level binding energy — Mostly Physics

Can Third Parties Make a Difference in 2024?

Second of two parts Should 2024 develop into a four-way race between a Republican, a Democrat, Andrew Yang or another candidate from his Forward Party, and an anti-Trump conservative, presidential politics will enter volatile, if not quite uncharted, territory. Leaving aside 2016, serious four-way contests (in which two third parties received at least 2% of… Continue reading Can Third Parties Make a Difference in 2024?

Categorized as Intel Tagged

“The Great Reset” Is The Road To Socialism Mises Warned Us About

Authored by Tho Bishop via The Mises Institute, Through the sheer power of his intellectual output, Ludwig von Mises established himself as one of the most important intellectuals of the twentieth century. His work Human Action remains a foundational text of the Austrian school. His critique outlining the impracticality of socialism was vindicated with the fall of… Continue reading “The Great Reset” Is The Road To Socialism Mises Warned Us About