What Are FOMC Meetings And Why Are They So Important?

  Have you ever wondered why stock traders on Wall Street always pay close attention to the U.S. Federal Reserve’s meetings and activities? Well, the Federal Reserve, commonly referred to as the Fed, is the most important central bank in the world because of the U.S. dollar’s special role as the main reserve currency for… Continue reading What Are FOMC Meetings And Why Are They So Important?

This COVID Winter May Cause Fewer Deaths yet Still Bring a Surge

Coronavirus cases in the U.S. have been plummeting since their recent peak in mid-September, and practically everyone has grown tired of COVID precautions. But cases plateaued in early November, and winter is coming. Experts warn it is not safe to let down our guard just yet. Some western states, such as Alaska, Colorado and North… Continue reading This COVID Winter May Cause Fewer Deaths yet Still Bring a Surge

Does Vertical Integration Improve or Imperil U.S. Health Care?

Health care consolidation is endemic across the United States. With consolidation—both horizontal (hospitals acquiring other hospitals) and vertical (for example, hospitals and health systems acquiring physician practices)—has come public attention and regulatory scrutiny. Proponents of consolidation argue that size generates efficiencies and offers opportunities to improve care coordination and quality. Critics point to concentrated markets… Continue reading Does Vertical Integration Improve or Imperil U.S. Health Care?

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BlackRock – The Fed’s Wall Street Croupier

Authored by David Stockman, Central banks have not merely inflated the bejesus out of assets prices. They have also caused the very foundations of financial markets to metastasize, yielding an endless array of new products that have no real economic function except to facilitate new forms of pure wagering. Foremost among these are exchange traded… Continue reading BlackRock – The Fed’s Wall Street Croupier

At the Dawn of Life, Heat May Have Driven Cell Division

An elegant ballet of proteins enables modern cells to replicate themselves. During cell division, structural proteins and enzymes coordinate the duplication of DNA, the division of a cell’s cytoplasmic contents, and the cinching of the membrane that cleaves the cell. Getting these processes right is crucial because errors can lead to daughter cells that are… Continue reading At the Dawn of Life, Heat May Have Driven Cell Division

What Does Africa Need Most Now: Russian Arms Sales or Good Vaccines?

Africa has not traditionally been a high-value market for arms exports, but Russia has been very active on the continent. Moscow is using arms sales there to influence political and military leaders. Russia is the largest exporter of weapons to Sub-Saharan Africa (PDF). Its arms exports to Africa have increased by 23 percent over the… Continue reading What Does Africa Need Most Now: Russian Arms Sales or Good Vaccines?

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A Theory As To Why COVID Cases Started Skyrocketing In Central Europe Last Month

As the scientific community continues the search for patterns related to Covid – why some people become ‘long haulers’ vs others, for example – an interesting theory has emerged as to why cases began to spike in Central Europe starting in mid-October. According to Twitter user @kbarve, the scientific community may want to look at… Continue reading A Theory As To Why COVID Cases Started Skyrocketing In Central Europe Last Month

Realized vs Unrealized Gains: What’s The Difference?

  It is well known that the stock market experiences periods of unforeseeable, and sometimes sharp, price movements. And if you’re owning stocks during such volatile periods, the fair market value of your portfolio could change drastically before you sell the stocks. Until you sell, your profit or loss is just on paper since you’ve… Continue reading Realized vs Unrealized Gains: What’s The Difference?

‘The Whole Place Feels Wrong’: Voices across America on What the Climate Crisis Stole

The jubilation of the Paris climate agreement, where delegates from around the world triumphantlydeclared the climate crisis would finally be tamed, will have felt very hollow to many in the US in the six years since. Following the landmark 2015 deal to curb dangerous global heating, the US has experienced four of its five hottest… Continue reading ‘The Whole Place Feels Wrong’: Voices across America on What the Climate Crisis Stole

News Manipulation, the Risk of Civil War, Russia and Ukraine: RAND Weekly Recap

This week, we discuss how Russia and China manipulated news about COVID-19; the risks of America’s increasingly uncivil behavior; measures to help stabilize the health care marketplace; attracting diverse talent to the public sector; the value of understanding student opinions; and how the West could help Ukraine. Photo by svetikd/Getty Images Both Russia and China… Continue reading News Manipulation, the Risk of Civil War, Russia and Ukraine: RAND Weekly Recap

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