Flocking Together May Have Helped Dinosaurs Dominate the Earth

Christopher Intagliata: This is Scientific American’s 60-Second Science. I’m Christopher Intagliata. Just as cows, sheep and bison roam in herds today, so, too, did plant-eating dinosaurs. And it appears they began flocking together much earlier than we used to think—just as the Jurassic period began to unfold. Jahandar Ramezani: This is a critical time in the… Continue reading Flocking Together May Have Helped Dinosaurs Dominate the Earth

Brits Google “Energy Bill Help” As More Suppliers Go Bankrupt

Via OilPrice.com, Extreme gas price volatility has led to a string of bankruptcies among British energy suppliers UK Household gas bills have risen by 28.1 percent and electricity bills 18.8 percent in the year to October Germany’s recent decision to halt approval of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline has added to UK energy woes Google… Continue reading Brits Google “Energy Bill Help” As More Suppliers Go Bankrupt

Run Forth to Meet Christ: A Reflection for the Upcoming First Sunday of Advent

There will be signs in the sun, the moon and the stars, and on earth nations will be in dismay, perplexed by the roaring of the sea and the waves.  People will die of fright in anticipation of what is coming upon the world, for the powers of heaven will be shaken. As a young… Continue reading Run Forth to Meet Christ: A Reflection for the Upcoming First Sunday of Advent

The Rise of RNA Therapeutics – Issue 107: The Edge

Most American newborns will arrive home from the hospital and start hitting their developmental milestones, to their parents’ delight. They will hold their heads up by about three months. They will sit up by six. And they will walk around their first birthday. But about 1 in 10,000 will not. They will feel limp in… Continue reading The Rise of RNA Therapeutics – Issue 107: The Edge

Engaging Different Types of Practitioners in the Complex Social Policy Area of Adverse Childhood Experiences

Evidence-based or evidence-informed policymaking and practice is increasingly championed by governments and decisionmakers. To make this a reality, it is important to know how stakeholders, such as policymakers and practitioners, already view and use evidence. Therefore, the support and engagement of these relevant stakeholders may be invaluable. Understanding how stakeholders make sense of and prioritise… Continue reading Engaging Different Types of Practitioners in the Complex Social Policy Area of Adverse Childhood Experiences

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ECB Leaves Policy Unchanged (As Expected), Will Keep Buying Bonds Until At Least March 2022

With global bond markets starting to ‘tantrum’ at the short-end, and price-in policy-errors at the long-end, traders are hoping for soothing words from ECB’s Christine Lagarde this morning as the market has shifted notably more hawkish for European rates, pricing in a full rate-hike by the end of 2022 (due to mounting inflation expectations)… Source:… Continue reading ECB Leaves Policy Unchanged (As Expected), Will Keep Buying Bonds Until At Least March 2022

Mathematicians Find Structure in Biased Polynomials

When you deposit a quarter and turn the crank on a gumball machine, the flavor you receive is basically random. In math, sometimes a polynomial, like x2 + y2, works the same way. When you plug in numbers for x and y, the values the polynomial takes might be random. Other polynomials might favor particular… Continue reading Mathematicians Find Structure in Biased Polynomials