Laid Low by the COVID Vaccine, Now They’ve Got a Bad Case of Federal Unresponsiveness

“You’re not even hearing anything from the organization that’s supposed be helping you,” says Adele Fox, above, a COVID vaccine sufferer who’s struggling to return to her normal life. “The phone keeps ringing, no one is emailing, nobody is doing anything.”    By Christian Britschgi, RealClearInvestigationsJune 28, 2023 In April 2021, Adele Fox received a… Continue reading Laid Low by the COVID Vaccine, Now They’ve Got a Bad Case of Federal Unresponsiveness

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The Simple Geometry That Predicts Molecular Mosaics

Over the next year, Domokos and his colleagues used geometric thinking to unpack the rules of molecular self-assembly — devising a new way to constrain the mosaics that molecules can form, using only the simple geometry of tessellation. “At first, they did not believe that you can do it,” Domokos said. “They were doing artificial… Continue reading The Simple Geometry That Predicts Molecular Mosaics

To Unions, Organizing Time Is Fine When It’s on the Taxpayers’ Dime

Randi Weingarten, the powerful president of the American Federation of Teachers, hasn’t been a working teacher in more than a quarter of a century.  Randi Weingarten: The teachers union boss hasn’t taught in decades, yet has accrued a lot of service time. But, she protests, not $230,000 worth of public pension payments over 15 years.… Continue reading To Unions, Organizing Time Is Fine When It’s on the Taxpayers’ Dime

Categorized as Intel Tagged

Mathematicians Discover New Way to Predict Structure in Graphs

It has been an exhilarating year in combinatorics research. In early 2023, mathematicians were stunned when two of the biggest problems in the field were solved in as many months. Now, a third major question has fallen with a 14-page proof “that has absolutely all the right ideas,” said Mehtaab Sawhney of the Massachusetts Institute… Continue reading Mathematicians Discover New Way to Predict Structure in Graphs

Computer Scientists Inch Closer to Major Algorithmic Goal

“In other words,” Sun said, “in order to further improve graph isomorphism, group isomorphism is a big bottleneck.” A Problem Transformed When progress on a problem stalls as long as it did for group isomorphism, invention is usually necessary to get unstuck. “When you have a big advance, that should be some indication that there’s… Continue reading Computer Scientists Inch Closer to Major Algorithmic Goal

Military Assistance to Ukraine Is a Rare Success

Last week, the United States reversed its long-standing opposition to sending Ukraine F-16 advanced aircraft to aid its fight against Russia. The Biden administration previously had expressed concerns that the jets would be too sophisticated for the Ukrainians and that providing the American-made aircraft could lead to escalation with Russia. Ukraine’s impressive, continued battlefield success… Continue reading Military Assistance to Ukraine Is a Rare Success

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Teaching Your Children the Difference Between Mistakes and Sins

“What if the priest remembers me?” “Will the priest tell other people my sins?” “Wait…I have to go to Confession again?” We’ve fielded these and all sorts of other delightful questions from our oldest children as they’ve prepared for their First Reconciliation and their First Communion. It’s been a powerful experience, as parents, to not… Continue reading Teaching Your Children the Difference Between Mistakes and Sins

The All-New Discreet Messenger Bag

The ITS Discreet Messenger Bag® is your ultimate covert EDC companion, integrating technology and durability in a way that’s unmatched by other bags on the market. Our next generation design offers more features and functionality than ever before, while blending in seamlessly with your surroundings. For quick access to your components, the lid of the… Continue reading The All-New Discreet Messenger Bag

Pam Coronado, Psychic Detective (DC Beltway Snipers Case)

Podcast: Download MYS264: The DC Beltway Snipers case in 2002 resulted in the capture of the perpetrators, but there was another side to the case that the public didn’t know. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli talk to Pam Coronado, the psychic detective who helped police solve the crime. Get all new episodes automatically and for… Continue reading Pam Coronado, Psychic Detective (DC Beltway Snipers Case)

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