This Is The Largest Map of The Human Brain Ever Made

Researchers have created the largest atlas of human brain cells so far, revealing more than 3,000 cell types — many of which are new to science. The work, published in a package of 21 papers today in Science, Science Advances and Science Translational Medicine, will aid the study of diseases, cognition and what makes us human, among other things, say the… Continue reading This Is The Largest Map of The Human Brain Ever Made

Leaker of Trump Taxes Worked for Biden Beltway Donor That Just Won a Big New IRS Contract

Above, Charles “Chaz” Littlejohn, the Booz Allen contractor behind leaks to the media of the tax returns of President Trump and other wealthy Americans. The name of well-connected Booz Allen has been kept hidden until now. Trump’s lawyer, meanwhile, likens Littlejohn’s recent sentencing arrangement to “a Hunter Biden plea deal.” By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigationsOctober 18,… Continue reading Leaker of Trump Taxes Worked for Biden Beltway Donor That Just Won a Big New IRS Contract

Categorized as Intel Tagged

Invisible Electron ‘Demon’ Discovered in Odd Superconductor

A few years ago, the researchers decided to put a superconducting metal called strontium ruthenate in their crosshairs. Its structure is similar to that of a mysterious class of copper-based “cuprate” superconductors, but it can be manufactured in a more pristine way. While the team didn’t learn the secrets of the cuprates, the material responded… Continue reading Invisible Electron ‘Demon’ Discovered in Odd Superconductor

Now Dominant, the Green Movement Is Gobbling Its $pinach, With Few Blutos Left to Clobber

After years as a federal officer helping the Drug Enforcement Administration hunt drug lords across Central Asia, and years more teaching in Maryland classrooms, Robin Shaffer anticipated a quiet retirement watching the deep swells roll across the Atlantic and crash on to the broad Jersey Shore. Robin Shaffer, Protect Our Coast NJ: “It’s very much… Continue reading Now Dominant, the Green Movement Is Gobbling Its $pinach, With Few Blutos Left to Clobber

Categorized as Intel Tagged

In Our Cellular Clocks, She’s Found a Lifetime of Discoveries

For more than a quarter century, Partch has lived among the orchestrators of the circadian clock, the proteins whose rise and fall control its workings. As a postdoc, she produced the first visualization of the bound pair of proteins at its heart, CLOCK and BMAL1. Since then, she has continued to make visible the whorls… Continue reading In Our Cellular Clocks, She’s Found a Lifetime of Discoveries

We Need to Think about Conservation on a Different Timescale

Time is one of humanity’s greatest blind spots. We experience it as days, months, or years. But nature functions on much grander scales, measured in centuries, millennia and even longer intervals often lumped together as “deep time.” As paleontologists, we were trained to think in deep time. Yet, as conservationists, we’ve come to realize that… Continue reading We Need to Think about Conservation on a Different Timescale

The Deep Link Equating Math Proofs and Computer Programs

Some scientific discoveries matter because they reveal something new — the double helical structure of DNA, for example, or the existence of black holes. However, some revelations are profound because they show that two old concepts, once thought distinct, are in fact the same. Take James Clerk Maxwell’s equations showing that electricity and magnetism are… Continue reading The Deep Link Equating Math Proofs and Computer Programs

Echoes of Electromagnetism Found in Number Theory

Pairings like that between automorphic forms and Galois groups are called dualities. They suggest that different classes of objects mirror each other, which allows mathematicians to study either one in terms of the other. Generations of mathematicians have worked to prove the existence of Langlands’ hypothesized duality. Though they have only managed to establish it… Continue reading Echoes of Electromagnetism Found in Number Theory

Secret Origin of the Mystery Airships! (Phantom Airships, Ghost Airships, UFOs, 1896, 1897)

Podcast: Download MYS280: In 1896 and 1897, Mystery Airships were reported from California to the Mississippi, which some believed were alien ships. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli eliminated many theories about the airships, and now address the final mystery: what were the airships, who made them, and was the government involved? Get all new episodes… Continue reading Secret Origin of the Mystery Airships! (Phantom Airships, Ghost Airships, UFOs, 1896, 1897)

Categorized as Weird Tagged

In the Milky Way’s Stars, a History of Violence

With the cleaving of the cosmos into a home galaxy and a larger universe, the study of our finite home — and how it exists within that universe — could begin in earnest. Now, a century later, astronomers are still making unexpected discoveries about the only cosmic island we’ll ever inhabit. They may be able… Continue reading In the Milky Way’s Stars, a History of Violence