Medical Research Rapidly Adopts ‘Systemic Racism’ as Truth, Risking Scientific Credibility (2 Parts)

Part 1 of 2 Articles (Part 2 Here) Rejection used to be common for medical sociologist Thomas LaVeist when he tried to get his research published on the effects of racism on the health of black people. “Now,” said the 60-year-old dean of Tulane University’s School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine, “I have those… Continue reading Medical Research Rapidly Adopts ‘Systemic Racism’ as Truth, Risking Scientific Credibility (2 Parts)

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President Tsai Confirms US ‘Boots On The Ground’ In Taiwan

Authored by Isabel van Brugen via The Epoch Times, Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen on Thursday confirmed for the first time in 40 years the presence of American troops on Taiwanese soil, saying that she is confident the United States would defend the self-ruled island if it were attacked by China. “I do have faith given the long-term relationship that… Continue reading President Tsai Confirms US ‘Boots On The Ground’ In Taiwan

Adaptation Becomes Focus of Climate Summit as Talks Draw to a Close

GLASGOW, Scotland—As climate talks race toward their conclusion, a concerted push by vulnerable countries to shake the world into taking action against intensifying threats from the sea and sky might be inching forward on the world stage. For days negotiators have huddled in windowless rooms trying to hammer out deals about funding and winding down… Continue reading Adaptation Becomes Focus of Climate Summit as Talks Draw to a Close

The Russians and Iranians Show Us Why We Need Influence Ranger School

 On November 16, 2021 The Brookings Institute ran an article “How the Kremlin has weaponized the Facebook files” (see:, which is also a photo source).   Many of us have followed France Haugen’s denouncements of Facebook to learn more about the internal workings of the internet juggernaut. This article describes how the Russians have… Continue reading The Russians and Iranians Show Us Why We Need Influence Ranger School

Politician Wants To Bomb Canary Island Volcano To Divert Lava Flows 

The Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption on the Canary Island of La Palma has been erupting for 38 days with no end in sight. A politician from a nearby island has suggested bombarding the volcano with military jets to divert lava flows, according to Newsweek.  Casimiro Curbelo, president of the town council of the island of… Continue reading Politician Wants To Bomb Canary Island Volcano To Divert Lava Flows 

Half of the World’s Coastal Sewage Pollution Flows from Few Dozen Places

All around the world, sewage gushes out of pipes into rivers and the sea, threatening the health of humans and aquatic ecosystems. Though some individual sites have long been known to be major sources of coastal pollution, “we’ve never had a global understanding of how big the problem is,” says Cascade Tuholske, a geographer at… Continue reading Half of the World’s Coastal Sewage Pollution Flows from Few Dozen Places

Treating Supervised Drug Consumption Sites Like Cannabis

Earlier this month, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear arguments about the federal ban on Philadelphia’s proposed supervised drug consumption site. For those wanting to pilot and research these programs, there may be other avenues for addressing federal barriers. Supervised consumption sites—also referred to as supervised injection facilities or overdose prevention sites—are places where… Continue reading Treating Supervised Drug Consumption Sites Like Cannabis

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