After Affirmative Action Rulings, Americans Are Talking

In the words of President Joe Biden, the Supreme Court has “effectively ended affirmative action in college admissions.” Affirmative action is the practice, as the Court described, that took race into account when evaluating applicants, benefiting members of certain races at the expense of others. Some have praised the Court’s decision and some have denounced it, but… Continue reading After Affirmative Action Rulings, Americans Are Talking

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Can Math and Physics Save an Arrhythmic Heart?

The heart’s electrical system keeps all its muscle cells beating in sync. A hard whack to the chest at the wrong moment, however, can set up unruly waves of abnormal electrical excitation that are potentially deadly. The resulting kind of arrhythmia may be what caused the football player Damar Hamlin of the Buffalo Bills to… Continue reading Can Math and Physics Save an Arrhythmic Heart?

When Disaster Strikes, Is Climate Change to Blame?

Last November the spring weather in South America jumped from cold to searing. Usually at that time of year people would have been holding backyard barbecues, or asados, in the lingering evening light. But on December 7 the temperature in northern Argentina, near the borders of Bolivia and Paraguay, hit 115 degrees Fahrenheit, making it… Continue reading When Disaster Strikes, Is Climate Change to Blame?

Nicholas Black Elk (Lakota Medicine Man, Catholic Saint?)

Podcast: Download MYS267: Two popular books held Lakota medicine man Black Elk as an icon of native American spirituality. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore the truths those books suppressed about Nicholas Black Elk, especially his conversion and devout Catholic faith. Get all new episodes automatically and for free: Follow by Email | Watch this… Continue reading Nicholas Black Elk (Lakota Medicine Man, Catholic Saint?)

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Progressivism’s Rejection of Civil Rights

When it comes to protecting religious freedom in America, forget about the civil rights community. Just like President Biden, these groups have now surrendered to progressive ideologies, unwilling to defend anyone who disagrees with them – even if the opposition is grounded in sincerely held religious belief. A look at this past Supreme Court term… Continue reading Progressivism’s Rejection of Civil Rights

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