Revival of Apostolic Men –

Recently, my two youngest stood on the church steps following Mass to pose for a picture. My daughter posed like a princess and my son contorted his features into a striking semblance of a howling warrior– squatting, fists raised, ready for battle. Our family has taken dozens of similar photos over the last twenty years… Continue reading Revival of Apostolic Men –

$1.2 Trillion Manchin-Backed Infrastructure Plan Reached By Bipartisan Group Of Senators

Update (1900ET): The bipartisan group has agreed to pitch a $1.2 trillion eight-year infrastructure spending package to the Biden administration, according to Bloomberg, citing an anonymous source familiar with the deliberations. The proposal is notably backed by Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), and calls for $579 billion in net new spending “beyond outlays that Congress was… Continue reading $1.2 Trillion Manchin-Backed Infrastructure Plan Reached By Bipartisan Group Of Senators

Effective Exit Strategies for Day Trading

  Profitable day trading isn’t easy. You need to be precise with your timing, execution, and exits, or else you’ll get chopped up by paying the bid/ask spread and commissions.  In trading books, much of the focus is put on your entry price. Should you enter on a pullback, wait for a moving average crossover,… Continue reading Effective Exit Strategies for Day Trading

Operation Northwoods (Cold War Mystery!)

Podcast: Download MYS151: In 1962, the Joint Chiefs of Staff sent Operation Northwoods to JFK as a daring, covert plan to stop a potential Soviet invasion. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss this now declassified plan, the shocking series of secret actions it proposed, and Kennedy’s response. Get all new episodes automatically and for free:Follow using… Continue reading Operation Northwoods (Cold War Mystery!)

Categorized as Weird Tagged

Invasive Species Can Sometimes Help an Ecosystem

When animals go extinct, their functions in an ecosystem can be lost, oftentimes leading to the extinction of other species that depend on those functions. Can nonnative species, which are often regarded as invasive pests by conservationists, fill the roles left vacant by extinctions? This question is easy to ponder in the Hawaiian Islands, which… Continue reading Invasive Species Can Sometimes Help an Ecosystem

Do You Know How to Start a Fire Without Matches or a Lighter?

The ability to start a fire is absolutely crucial, whether you’re camping for fun or end up in a real-world survival situation. While many people may be relying on matches or a lighter to get their fire going, having some alternative methods on hand just increases your abilities and provides some fallback options. Years back,… Continue reading Do You Know How to Start a Fire Without Matches or a Lighter?

Your Health is a Disinformation Target

  In early March 2021 there were a number of reports about Russian, Chinese and Iranian disinformation efforts all designed to cast doubt on the effectiveness of vaccines for the COVID virus.   A base source of information appears to be the Alliance for Security Democracy (see:, which is also a photo source. Their… Continue reading Your Health is a Disinformation Target

Melvin Capital Among Hedge Funds Losing $6 Billion On Latest Meme Squeeze

“Fool me once, shame on… shame on you. Fool me… you can’t get fooled again,” were the infamous words of former President Bush and we suspect that Steve Cohen protégé Gabe Plotkin is reflecting on those stoic words as he looks back at his fund’s performance in May. Plotkin’s Melvin Capital – infamously blown-up by… Continue reading Melvin Capital Among Hedge Funds Losing $6 Billion On Latest Meme Squeeze

Can A Broker Sell Your Position Without Permission?

  Robinhood was at the center of the unprecedented and monumental Reddit trading mania that saw shares of GameStop (GME) and other companies, including headphone maker Koss (KOSS) and cinema operator AMC (AMC) soar to extreme levels as amateur traders piled into the stocks earlier this year. However, the popular trading app was accused of selling… Continue reading Can A Broker Sell Your Position Without Permission?