Some COVID Patients Need Amputations to Survive

In late summer Candice Davis and her brother, Starr, returned to South Philadelphia from a trip to Mexico, and Davis quickly knew that something was wrong. Both she and Starr felt ill, and both subsequently tested positive for COVID-19. But Starr, who had been immunized, experienced only mild flulike symptoms and felt better within a… Continue reading Some COVID Patients Need Amputations to Survive

Brandon Smith: Leftists Use Mass Censorship Because They Don’t Have The Guts To Engage In Fair Debate

Authored by Brandon Smith via, Why is censorship the go-to tactic for leftists? Well, if you ask them they won’t deny their love affair with the memory hole. In fact, most leftists will vehemently defend censorship as absolutely moral and for the “greater good.” Their position is basically this: We live in a “society”,… Continue reading Brandon Smith: Leftists Use Mass Censorship Because They Don’t Have The Guts To Engage In Fair Debate

Our Lady of Kibeho (Marian Apparition)

Podcast: Download MYS192: In 1981, a group of children in Rwanda began reporting visions of the Virgin Mary. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss her assurances of God’s love and warnings of a terrible disaster; what the girls reported to have seen and heard; and the results of the Church’s investigations, including warnings for believers.… Continue reading Our Lady of Kibeho (Marian Apparition)

Categorized as Weird Tagged

Oceans Break Heat Record for Third Year in a Row

The world’s oceans reached their hottest levels on record in 2021. It’s the third year in a row it’s happened, and it’s driven almost entirely by human-caused climate change, scientists announced yesterday. The findings are presented in a paper published in the journal Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. As excess heat accumulates in the atmosphere, caused by continued greenhouse… Continue reading Oceans Break Heat Record for Third Year in a Row

Saturday Night Fight… At The Pharmacy

Via Pierre Kory’s Medical Musings Substack, In the Omicron wildfire, with hundreds of thousands ill each day, U.S physicians and patients need their pharmacists support.. but most block access to generic medicines, fearfully and/or willfully. I am exhausted.. physically and emotionally and morally. Although I am not sure moral exhaustion is “a thing,” the daily… Continue reading Saturday Night Fight… At The Pharmacy

Doubts About Election Integrity Hurt Us All

Before, during, and after the Senate stalemate that has bottled up Democrats’ national election reform bill, a dominant story line has taken hold inside the Democratic Party and much of the media. It goes like this: In state capitols around the country controlled by Republicans, the GOP is trying to accomplish legislatively what the Jan.… Continue reading Doubts About Election Integrity Hurt Us All

Categorized as Intel Tagged

The Last Hours of Jesus

The Gospel account of Christ’s temptation at the beginning of His public life reveals that He could be and was tempted by external suggestion. As St. Paul says in his epistle to the Hebrews: “For in that he himself has suffered and has been tempted, he is able to help those who are tempted” (2:18). In… Continue reading The Last Hours of Jesus

The Little Miracles in the Invisible World of Plankton

Explore Watching the short film Planktonium, the latest from Dutch filmmaker Jan van IJken, can feel like a meditation. The miniscule lifeforms he films under microscope mesmerize. Planktonium feels imbued with the spirit, you might say, of another Dutchman, one from the 17th century, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, the father of microbiology. “Leeuwenhoek delighted most in… Continue reading The Little Miracles in the Invisible World of Plankton

Hedge Funds Flood Into Oil As Threat Of Omicron Disruption Recedes

by John Kemp, Reuters senior energy market analyst Oil markets attracted a new wave of interest from investors at the end of 2021 and start of 2022, as the threat of widespread economic and aviation disruption from Omicron seemed to recede.  Hedge funds and other money managers purchased the equivalent of 31 million barrels in… Continue reading Hedge Funds Flood Into Oil As Threat Of Omicron Disruption Recedes