During this 2009-2014 reset, a confused United States invited Russia back into the Middle East after a nearly 40-year hiatus. It refused to provide a beleaguered Ukraine with offensive weapons. NATO members increasingly ignored their promised military contributions. The United States cut defense spending. Obama discouraged domestic gas and oil production. The world price of… Continue reading Russian Appeasement Was a Left-Wing Monopoly
The Wild World of Threats
You’re confronting a spider, up close, womano-a-womano. The tiny creature rears back on its hindmost legs and assumes a threatening posture, ridiculous given that you could easily squash it with your shoe. Yet everyone understands the gesture, even though to locate the most recent common ancestor shared by the two of you, you’d have to… Continue reading The Wild World of Threats
A Record Number Of Robots Joined American Workforce In 2021 Amid COVID Labor Crunch
The impending takeover of the American labor market by robots now has a trade group to represent its interests. It’s called the Association for Advancing Automation, or A3, and according to them, 2021 was a boom year for sales: more robots joined the American workforce last year than ever before. And 2022 promises to beat… Continue reading A Record Number Of Robots Joined American Workforce In 2021 Amid COVID Labor Crunch
Democrats Pushing Gun Registry as Precursor to Gun Ban
Federal law explicitly prohibits the creation of a federal firearm registry, but the Biden administration is making one anyway. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) has collected nearly one billion firearm purchase records. The government has now created a searchable digital database containing 866 million of these transactions, including some 54 million… Continue reading Democrats Pushing Gun Registry as Precursor to Gun Ban
Some COVID Patients Need Amputations to Survive
In late summer Candice Davis and her brother, Starr, returned to South Philadelphia from a trip to Mexico, and Davis quickly knew that something was wrong. Both she and Starr felt ill, and both subsequently tested positive for COVID-19. But Starr, who had been immunized, experienced only mild flulike symptoms and felt better within a… Continue reading Some COVID Patients Need Amputations to Survive
Brandon Smith: Leftists Use Mass Censorship Because They Don’t Have The Guts To Engage In Fair Debate
Authored by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.us, Why is censorship the go-to tactic for leftists? Well, if you ask them they won’t deny their love affair with the memory hole. In fact, most leftists will vehemently defend censorship as absolutely moral and for the “greater good.” Their position is basically this: We live in a “society”,… Continue reading Brandon Smith: Leftists Use Mass Censorship Because They Don’t Have The Guts To Engage In Fair Debate
Our Lady of Kibeho (Marian Apparition)
Podcast: Download MYS192: In 1981, a group of children in Rwanda began reporting visions of the Virgin Mary. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss her assurances of God’s love and warnings of a terrible disaster; what the girls reported to have seen and heard; and the results of the Church’s investigations, including warnings for believers.… Continue reading Our Lady of Kibeho (Marian Apparition)
Oceans Break Heat Record for Third Year in a Row
The world’s oceans reached their hottest levels on record in 2021. It’s the third year in a row it’s happened, and it’s driven almost entirely by human-caused climate change, scientists announced yesterday. The findings are presented in a paper published in the journal Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. As excess heat accumulates in the atmosphere, caused by continued greenhouse… Continue reading Oceans Break Heat Record for Third Year in a Row
Saturday Night Fight… At The Pharmacy
Via Pierre Kory’s Medical Musings Substack, In the Omicron wildfire, with hundreds of thousands ill each day, U.S physicians and patients need their pharmacists support.. but most block access to generic medicines, fearfully and/or willfully. I am exhausted.. physically and emotionally and morally. Although I am not sure moral exhaustion is “a thing,” the daily… Continue reading Saturday Night Fight… At The Pharmacy
Doubts About Election Integrity Hurt Us All
Before, during, and after the Senate stalemate that has bottled up Democrats’ national election reform bill, a dominant story line has taken hold inside the Democratic Party and much of the media. It goes like this: In state capitols around the country controlled by Republicans, the GOP is trying to accomplish legislatively what the Jan.… Continue reading Doubts About Election Integrity Hurt Us All