See Iceland Aglow in Volcanic Eruptions

Breaking more than seven months of calm, the peninsula of Reykjanes in western Iceland has once again burst into volcanic flames. After a swarm of earthquakes in late July and early August rocked the area,lava burst forth from the Fagradalsfjall volcano into the valley of Meradalir—not far from the barely cooled lava from the same… Continue reading See Iceland Aglow in Volcanic Eruptions

Morgan Stanley Spots A New “Recession Canary” In The Credit Coal Mine

By Srikanth Sankaran, Head of European ABS Strategy at Morgan Stanley As this summer of optimism draws to a close, the Fed path and recession fears are returning to the fore. On the corporate front, the message from 2Q earnings was not overwhelmingly negative, but evidence of weakening demand, shifts in consumer spending and inventory pressures… Continue reading Morgan Stanley Spots A New “Recession Canary” In The Credit Coal Mine

China Answers Sen. Blackburn Visit By Buzzing Taiwan With 4 Nuclear-Capable Bombers

Beijing has issued its response to anti-China hawk Sen. Marsha Blackburn visiting Taiwan on Thursday and Friday. It began with at least 35 PLA jets buzzing the island’s airspace on Friday, including 8 Chinese Navy vessels patrolling off the island. And on Saturday Fox News correspondent Lucas Thomlinson reported “China sends four nuclear-capable bombers near Taiwan Saturday… Continue reading China Answers Sen. Blackburn Visit By Buzzing Taiwan With 4 Nuclear-Capable Bombers

Electric Fish Genomes Reveal How Evolution Repeats Itself

Along the murky bottom of the Amazon River, serpentine fish called electric eels scour the gloom for unwary frogs or other small prey. When one swims by, the fish unleash two 600-volt pulses of electricity to stun or kill it. This high-voltage hunting tactic is distinctive, but a handful of other fish species also use… Continue reading Electric Fish Genomes Reveal How Evolution Repeats Itself

A Trump/DeSantis Ticket is Legally Workable

The midterm elections are only about two months away, but for many, it’s easy to look past them and start thinking about the 2024 presidential election. On the Republican side, the two most talked-about candidates are former president Donald Trump and Florida governor Ron DeSantis. Many Republicans would like a ticket with Trump as the… Continue reading A Trump/DeSantis Ticket is Legally Workable

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Are We Really Listening? –

By Sister Mary Scholastica, O.C.D. Are we listening? Are we really listening? It’s an important question we need to ask ourselves. In reading this, do you think about yourself, or do you automatically think of “someone else” someone else who needs to “get better at listening”? It’s interesting, isn’t it? Many of us think of… Continue reading Are We Really Listening? –

Economies Can Burn Out, Too… And They Are

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, Economies can burn out, too, and they’re already sliding into the final stages of burnout. Burnout has a startling knack for sneaking up on us. We’re stressed and tired but still functioning at a high level, and then suddenly our capacity to keep going collapses. We are no… Continue reading Economies Can Burn Out, Too… And They Are

Scientists Reflect on Anthony Fauci’s Impact

Anthony Fauci, who has been the top infectious-diseases adviser in the United States for almost 40 years, announced on 22 August that he would resign from his leadership roles in December. Although many scientists are saddened to be losing his guidance, they understand his desire to step down. No other federal scientist has held a… Continue reading Scientists Reflect on Anthony Fauci’s Impact

Deadly Clashes In Tripoli May Signal Imminent Libyan Civil War

At least 23 people have been killed and 87 injured in Tripoli as tensions between rival political groups erupted into street combat on Saturday. The United Nations has called for an immediate ceasefire. U.S. ambassador Richard Norland urged rival parties to agree to an early date for elections, and to reduce tensions “before things get worse.” … Continue reading Deadly Clashes In Tripoli May Signal Imminent Libyan Civil War

What Drives Galaxies? The Milky Way’s Black Hole May Be the Key.

To Martin Rees, the United Kingdom’s Astronomer Royal, AGN feedback offered a natural way to connect the relatively tiny black hole to the galaxy at large. Two decades earlier, in the 1970s, Rees correctly hypothesized that supermassive black holes power the luminous jets observed in some far-off, brightly glowing galaxies called quasars. He even proposed,… Continue reading What Drives Galaxies? The Milky Way’s Black Hole May Be the Key.