Goldman Slashes China GDP Forecast As CCP Locks Down 20 Million To Fight Omicron Wave

China’s “Zero COVID” strategy is starting to have serious repercussions for economic growth. After sealing off Tianjin from travel, a city that’s roughly 30 minutes from the Chinese capital of Beijing, earlier this week, the CCP is imposing still more lockdowns as it tries to stamp out the latest COVID outbreak that’s vexing China’s leadership… Continue reading Goldman Slashes China GDP Forecast As CCP Locks Down 20 Million To Fight Omicron Wave

Cheapening the Vote: The Other Inflation

You didn’t have to be a magician to recognize the sleight-of-hand when Democrats pulled a “voting rights” campaign out of their Jan. 6 “armed insurrection” hat. Even before President Biden finished his fire-and-brimstone speech condemning Republicans for “placing a dagger at the throat of democracy” in 2021, he and his handlers had pivoted to the… Continue reading Cheapening the Vote: The Other Inflation

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How Targeted Advertising on Social Media Drives People to Extremes

The following essay is reprinted with permission from The Conversation, an online publication covering the latest research. Have you had the experience of looking at some product online and then seeing ads for it all over your social media feed? Far from coincidence, these instances of eerily accurate advertising provide glimpses into the behind-the-scenes mechanisms… Continue reading How Targeted Advertising on Social Media Drives People to Extremes

Futures Rebound As Fed-Induced Rout Finally Eases

After yesterday’s miraculous tech recovery which saw gigacaps drop as much as 4% before recovering all losses and closing green, Nasdaq futures led gains among U.S. stock-index futures, hinting at further relief for technology stocks as Treasury yields retreated in early trading but have since steadied around 1.75%, unchanged from Monday. Nasdaq futures rose as… Continue reading Futures Rebound As Fed-Induced Rout Finally Eases

The Debate Over ‘Common-Good Conservatism’

In the face of progressives’ persistence in portraying contemporary conservatism as a mortal threat to American democracy, conservative intellectuals have launched the latest round in a learned and hard-hitting debate — as old as the post-World War II conservative movement — about the character of the conservative task. Donald Trump’s tumultuous presidency and his post-presidential… Continue reading The Debate Over ‘Common-Good Conservatism’

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The Pathway of Extreme Humility

Anthony Lilles Anthony Lilles, a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, completed his graduate and post-graduate studies in Rome at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas. He and his lovely wife, Agnes, are blessed with three children and live in California, where he is the Academic Dean, and Associate Professor of Theology, St. John’s Seminary,… Continue reading The Pathway of Extreme Humility

It’s Time for a Global Ban on Destructive Antisatellite Testing

In November, Russia ignited an international uproar with a weapon test that launched an interceptor against a defunct military satellite. When it hit, that deliberate collision shattered the satellite into more than 1,500 trackable pieces of debris. This space debris is dangerous; it could hit and severely damage an orbiting space station, akin to the… Continue reading It’s Time for a Global Ban on Destructive Antisatellite Testing

Peter Schiff: The Fed Can’t Do What It’s Saying It Will Do

Via, The Fed FOMC minutes came out last week, signaling tighter monetary policy. Peter Schiff talked about the minutes in his podcast, arguing that the Fed can’t do what it says it’s going to do. If it does, it will crash the markets and the economy. And it won’t lower inflation. The Fed minutes were widely… Continue reading Peter Schiff: The Fed Can’t Do What It’s Saying It Will Do

7 Things We’ve Learned About the 2020 Elections

The United States Agency for International Development, which monitors foreign elections to ensure fairness and accuracy, asserts that proper elections require “transparency, inclusiveness, and accountability.” The 2020 election in the United States, however, remains one of the least transparent, inclusive, and accountable contests in our nation’s history.  And unfortunately, due to prevailing political headwinds, it… Continue reading 7 Things We’ve Learned About the 2020 Elections

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