An important message from Jimmy Akin Podcast: Download Jimmy shares an important message about the future of Mysterious World. Get all new episodes automatically and for free:Subscribe using the RSS feed | Subscribe using Apple Podcasts | Subscribe using Google Podcasts | Subscribe using Stitcher | Subscribe by Email Help us continue to offer Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World. Won’t you make a pledge at… Continue reading An important message from Jimmy Akin

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‘You Will Receive Power’ –

A Shattering Event Jesus began his public ministry with this simple message: “The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the Gospel” (Mk 1:15). That is Jesus’ entire preaching in a nutshell. Fr. Michael Scanlan said, The proclamation of the arrival of the kingdom was a shattering event in human history. Jesus… Continue reading ‘You Will Receive Power’ –

The Man Who Drank Cholera and Launched the Yogurt Craze – Issue 100: Outsiders

When Ilya Metchnikoff was 8 and running around on his parents’ Panassovka estate in Little Russia, now Ukraine, he was making notes on the local flora like a junior botanist. He gave science lectures to his older brothers and local kids whose attendance he assured by paying them from his pocket money. Metchnikoff earned the… Continue reading The Man Who Drank Cholera and Launched the Yogurt Craze – Issue 100: Outsiders

Civilization Requires Deterrence | RealClearPolitics

Deterrence is the ancient ability to scare somebody off from hurting you, your friends or your interests — without a major war. Desire peace? Then be prepared for war. Or so the Romans believed. It’s an easily understood concept in the abstract. But deterrence still remains a mystical quality in the concrete since it is… Continue reading Civilization Requires Deterrence | RealClearPolitics

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Fauci Talks Boosters: Pfizer First As Moderna Delayed

As Israel’s “coronavirus czar” called on the country to prepare for a fourth shot of the Covid-19 vaccine while virus variants continue to evade the first three, American’s top infectious diseases specialist, Dr. Anthony Fauci, prepares the ever-trusting general public for a domestic booster shot program. According to Fauci, the US booster shot program will… Continue reading Fauci Talks Boosters: Pfizer First As Moderna Delayed

Did Jesus Die for Aliens? (And More Weird Questions!)

Podcast: Download MYS110: It’s a fifth Friday of the month, so Jimmy Akin is answering more weird questions, including did Jesus die to save extraterrestrials, too; can we get Jesus’ DNA from Eucharistic Miracles; Is man God’s favorite creature; how many angels can dance on the head of a pin; and more. Get all new… Continue reading Did Jesus Die for Aliens? (And More Weird Questions!)

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What is a Shelf Registration?

  As the U.S. sank into an economic downturn that was triggered by the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, many public companies scrapped their buyback programs and reduced or scrapped dividend payments. For some companies, raising additional capital via venture capitalists or initial public offerings (IPO) also became necessary. But initial and secondary public offerings are… Continue reading What is a Shelf Registration?

How Taboos Can Help Protect the Oceans – Issue 100: Outsiders

In 1777—after whipping local people for trivial offenses, spreading venereal disease, and clumsily avoiding a plot to kill him—the English explorer James Cook left the shores of Tonga laden with treasures. Not least among them was a word scrawled in his ship’s logbook: tabu, which he defined as “a thing that is forbidden,” like a… Continue reading How Taboos Can Help Protect the Oceans – Issue 100: Outsiders

Supporting the Mental Health Needs of National Guard and Reserve Members

Over one million U.S. military service members are members of the National Guard or reserves. These troops are being tested like never before, yet they do not receive the same physical and mental health care coverage provided to their active-duty counterparts, a gap that a recently introduced bipartisan bill seeks to address. The year 2020… Continue reading Supporting the Mental Health Needs of National Guard and Reserve Members

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