Why U.S. Military Interventions Fail and What to Do About It

American soldiers have been deployed abroad almost continuously since the end of World War II. The best-known foreign interventions—in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq—were large, long, and costly. But there have been dozens of other such deployments, many smaller or shorter, for purposes ranging from deterrence to training. Taken as a whole, these operations have had… Continue reading Why U.S. Military Interventions Fail and What to Do About It

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Why the Brain’s Connections to the Body Are Crisscrossed

Dazzling intricacies of brain structure are revealed every day, but one of the most obvious aspects of brain wiring eludes neuroscientists. The nervous system is cross-wired, so that the left side of the brain controls the right half of the body and vice versa. Every doctor relies upon this fact in performing neurological exams, but… Continue reading Why the Brain’s Connections to the Body Are Crisscrossed

How Physicists Cracked a Black Hole Paradox

A few years ago a team of chemists unboiled an egg. Boiling causes protein molecules in the egg to twist around one another, and a centrifuge can disentangle them to restore the original. The technique is of dubious utility in a kitchen, but it neatly demonstrates the reversibility of physics. Anything in the physical world… Continue reading How Physicists Cracked a Black Hole Paradox

Violence in Schools, Neurodiversity and National Security, Drug Cartels: RAND Weekly Recap

This week, we discuss how to encourage threat reporting to help keep schools safe; why national security organizations need a neurodivergent workforce; the F.D.A. approval of over-the-counter Narcan sales; the implications of labeling drug cartels foreign terrorists; what happens when struggling students repeat a grade; and helping veterans find employment during a recession. Photo by… Continue reading Violence in Schools, Neurodiversity and National Security, Drug Cartels: RAND Weekly Recap

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The Mystery of St. Toribio Romo (El Padre Pollero, El Santo Coyote)

Podcast: Download MYS256: St. Toribio Romo was born to a poor family in Mexico and became a priest in a time when the Church was being persecuted. He was eventually martyred. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore the saint’s life and death and the strange mystery that surrounds him today. Get all new episodes automatically… Continue reading The Mystery of St. Toribio Romo (El Padre Pollero, El Santo Coyote)

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Greatest Migration on Earth Happens under Darkness Every Day

Every evening around the world trillions of zooplankton, many smaller than a grain of rice, hover hundreds of feet below the surface of the sea, waiting for their signal. Scientists long considered these tiny animals to be drifters, passive specks suspended in the ocean, moved by the whims of tides and currents. And yet, just… Continue reading Greatest Migration on Earth Happens under Darkness Every Day

Can China’s Green Energy Acceleration Put at Risk the West’s Hydrogen Plans?

Hydrogen (H2) plays a key role in the decarbonization plans of the European Union and the United States. Both have launched aggressive hydrogen strategies to increase the generation of H2 and the deployment of related technologies. But these bold ambitions may face headwinds caused by the acceleration of China’s energy transition. China is adding new… Continue reading Can China’s Green Energy Acceleration Put at Risk the West’s Hydrogen Plans?

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