Lock Picking: Why a Prepared Citizen Should Learn

While lock picking is often associated with nefarious characters and criminal activity, it’s actually a skill that offers significant advantages to prepared and responsible citizens. When utilized responsibly, these skills can provide a better understanding of one’s own security, help in emergency situations and even serve as a fascinating hobby. Debunking the Criminal Connection to… Continue reading Lock Picking: Why a Prepared Citizen Should Learn

The Murder Trust (Iron Mike Malloy; Mike the Durable)

Podcast: Download MYS258: In early 1933, a group of men dubbed the “Murder Trust” conspired to kill Irishman Mike Malloy, who proved very difficult to kill. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the aftermath when they were finally able to kill Mike after 9 attempts, including whether they were ever brought to justice for the… Continue reading The Murder Trust (Iron Mike Malloy; Mike the Durable)

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A New Theory for the Assembly of Life in the Universe

Shedding the Shackles of Determinism Assembly theory predicts that objects like us can’t arise in isolation — that some complex objects can only occur in conjunction with others. This makes intuitive sense; the universe could never produce just a single human. To make any humans at all, it had to make a whole bunch of… Continue reading A New Theory for the Assembly of Life in the Universe

Is the Pope Catholic? Yes, but Wisconsin Rules This Catholic Charity Is Not ‘Primarily’ Religious

For over a century, the Catholic Charities Bureau of Superior, Wis., has aided people of all faiths: the developmentally disabled, seniors, and children, many of them low income. As Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome Listecki recently noted, since the time of Jesus Christ, the Church has had “a mandate from Scripture to serve the poor.”   The… Continue reading Is the Pope Catholic? Yes, but Wisconsin Rules This Catholic Charity Is Not ‘Primarily’ Religious

Categorized as Intel Tagged

Information Theory Finds the Best Wordle Starting Words

How did you spend the past few years as the COVID pandemic raged and limited our leisure options? Software developer Josh Wardle and his partner passed the time with crossword puzzles from the New York Times. At one point, Wardle remembered an idea for a similar game he had thought up a few years earlier. The word game… Continue reading Information Theory Finds the Best Wordle Starting Words

Strange Material Breaks a Classic Rule of Physics

A basic tenet of college physics is that as pressure increases, thermal conductivity—a material’s ability to conduct heat—increases, too, because atoms that are squeezed together interact more. More than a century of research has confirmed this rule. But engineers have now found an exception: when they applied intense pressure to boron arsenide, a recently discovered… Continue reading Strange Material Breaks a Classic Rule of Physics

A Mutation Turned Ants Into Parasites in One Generation

These workerless social parasites, sometimes called inquilines (from the Latin word for “tenants”), have a distinctive appearance that to human eyes easily sets them apart from their hosts. But their parasitic scheme succeeds because they have evolved ways to steal chemical odors from the host nest to camouflage themselves. Genomic analyses have shown that ant… Continue reading A Mutation Turned Ants Into Parasites in One Generation

This Pioneering Nuclear Fusion Lab Is Gearing Up to Break More Records

Last month, the US National Ignition Facility (NIF) fired its lasers up to full power for the first time since December, when it achieved its decades-long goal of ‘ignition’ by producing more energy during a nuclear reaction than it consumed. The latest run didn’t come close to matching up: NIF achieved only 4% of the output it… Continue reading This Pioneering Nuclear Fusion Lab Is Gearing Up to Break More Records

Leo Tolstoy the Free Thinker: Yet Another ‘New’ Look at ‘War and Peace’

For mountain climbers, one imagines that Mt. Everest looms as the ultimate climb to validate one’s ability. For runners, it would be the Boston Marathon, for triathletes the Iron Man? For readers, it’s no reach to say that Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace is the Mt. Everest, Boston Marathon, or Iron Man of reading. Coming… Continue reading Leo Tolstoy the Free Thinker: Yet Another ‘New’ Look at ‘War and Peace’

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