You Are My Beloved: The Lord Takes Delight in His People

Editor’s note: This is part three of a series.  Part one can be found here and part two here.  In the previous article, we reflected on human marriage, which “has profounder origins than the sexual instinct, and is connected above all with the spiritual nature of the human person.” Marriage on earth is but a… Continue reading You Are My Beloved: The Lord Takes Delight in His People

Hey, Catholic Writer: Writing About Our Story Can Make Us Holier

Many of us can feel a little squirmy about writing or sharing about ourselves; after all, aren’t we supposed to be humble?  Hidden?  And allow the Lord to have the stage? There are seasons of anonymity for sure; seasons to bury ourselves in Christ and let Him do some deep work.  Being ‘unseen’ itself can… Continue reading Hey, Catholic Writer: Writing About Our Story Can Make Us Holier

Spiritual Direction Questions, Part 1: Why is Spiritual Direction Needed?

One of the things that scared me when I was a little boy was being caught down in the basement with no light. Sometimes my brother, my sister, and I would occasionally tease each other and shut off the basement lights when we were down there playing. What frightened me the most about this action… Continue reading Spiritual Direction Questions, Part 1: Why is Spiritual Direction Needed?

Spiritual Direction Questions, Part 2: What Are Some Seasons of Life Where I Have A Need For Spiritual Direction?

As stated before in Part I, there is a clear pastoral need for sound spiritual directors in the church who are both priests, religious, and lay faithful with solid formation. We will continue our conversation on what are particular seasons and scenarios in the life of faith that every member of the faithful will need… Continue reading Spiritual Direction Questions, Part 2: What Are Some Seasons of Life Where I Have A Need For Spiritual Direction?