The Letters of St. Paul of the Cross: ‘Live Abandoned’

“This is a very important point: great perfection is found in resigning yourself in all things to the divine will; an even greater perfection is to live abandoned, with complete indifference to the divine good pleasure; still the pinnacle of perfection is to nourish yourself on the divine will in a spirit of pure faith… Continue reading The Letters of St. Paul of the Cross: ‘Live Abandoned’

So Close: The Breath of God

It happened so quickly that I didn’t have to time to be afraid. It was so sudden that there wasn’t even time for her grandparents, watching from the balcony above, to cry out. We had been swimming—or more accurately, Zippy had. The pool water was frigid—it wasn’t heated even in summer, and the calendar was… Continue reading So Close: The Breath of God

Exorcist Diary: Satan Witnesses to the Power of Prayer to End Abortion

The local priest-exorcist received an urgent call from the Convent. That morning the Sisters woke up and went down to their chapel. They found their wood tabernacle upside down on the floor and the Eucharist still in its monstrance standing upright next to it. The Sisters were spooked. The doors to their Convent had been… Continue reading Exorcist Diary: Satan Witnesses to the Power of Prayer to End Abortion

The Letters of St. Paul of the Cross: ‘When You Cannot Meditate’

The certain path is that of faith, that is, to pray in lively faith with a continual memory of the Passion of Jesus. When you cannot meditate, as I have already explained to you in writing, repose in God in a sacred silence of love with a pure, but sweet and loving, attention to God… Continue reading The Letters of St. Paul of the Cross: ‘When You Cannot Meditate’