Night Vision: A Reflection on the Transfiguration

I often receive images in prayer, but that night in prayer group they were different. Usually, the images were personal—if not for me, then for someone else with me. They were usually something to encourage or inspire, or perhaps (gently) challenge or correct. That night I saw visions of things happening around the world. They… Continue reading Night Vision: A Reflection on the Transfiguration

Exorcist Diary: The 3 Rs for Casting Out Demons

“He turned and said to Peter, ‘Get behind me, Satan!’” Mt 16:23 After a recent online deliverance session with us, a woman shared her experience: I’ve been able to attend most of the sessions and have found that with each successive one, I have been increasingly able to gain spiritual healing.  For many years, I have… Continue reading Exorcist Diary: The 3 Rs for Casting Out Demons

Letters of St. Paul of the Cross: “Remain Wholly Concealed”

“Now, therefore, please remain wholly concealed in the crucified Jesus, with no other desire but to be completely changed by love and do his good pleasure. You will see, at the opportune time, the opening of a great scene, and a great star will rise which will be the harbinger of a very clear day,… Continue reading Letters of St. Paul of the Cross: “Remain Wholly Concealed”

Life Teen’s Mark Hart on Prayer, Productivity, and Priorities

I recently had the privilege to have an in-depth conversation with Mark Hart, Chief Innovation Officer for Life Teen International, prolific writer and speaker, radio host, and husband and father, on his take on how to put first things first in a life of active ministry.  We may not all lead a huge Catholic organization,… Continue reading Life Teen’s Mark Hart on Prayer, Productivity, and Priorities

Exorcist Diary: Demonic Obsessions with Depression and Despair

One of our exorcists shared a recent experience: “Last night, a feeling of depression and hopelessness came over me. I was hardly aware of it in the beginning; it started subtly. Eventually, I found myself in the middle of a dark despair. I felt enervated and done in. This is surprising for me because I… Continue reading Exorcist Diary: Demonic Obsessions with Depression and Despair