Mary and the Magnifying Glass

I remember the day when I was in fifth grade when some of the more mischievous boys, not generally inclined towards academics, nonetheless took a sudden interest in science. They would get up and go to the potted plants on the windowsill, and using the magnifying glass, would study them intently and at length. This… Continue reading Mary and the Magnifying Glass

Don’t Think, Look! A Meditation on the Need for the Mystical

Our intellect is our greatest strength and one of our greatest blessings, yet almost nothing gets us into as much trouble. Our strength is also our struggle. We think we know a few things, and indeed we do—a very few things. The greatest intellects, if they have wisdom and humility, know this. St. Thomas Aquinas famously… Continue reading Don’t Think, Look! A Meditation on the Need for the Mystical