Exorcist Diary: 5 Steps for Dealing with Demon Brain

“James” is suffering from demonic obsessions or “demon brain.” Every couple of weeks, he goes through a spell in which his thinking is strongly influenced by demons. When this happens, he becomes despairing and suicidal. He came up with a five-step process for dealing with these demonic attacks. The five steps might be helpful for… Continue reading Exorcist Diary: 5 Steps for Dealing with Demon Brain

Strange Medicine and the Gaze that Saves: A Meditation on the Triumph of the Cross

One of the stranger passages in the Old Testament is a command Moses received from God. The people had grumbled against God and Moses for the “wretched” manna they had to consume (Numbers 21:5). They were sick of its bland quality though it was the miracle food, the bread from heaven that had sustained them… Continue reading Strange Medicine and the Gaze that Saves: A Meditation on the Triumph of the Cross

The Meaning of Charity – SpiritualDirection.com

Editor’s note: This article is part 8 of a series, “The Kingdom of Grace.”  Part 7 can be found here.  When many people hear the word charity, the first thing that comes to mind are various works of mercy such as soup kitchens, shelters, and orphanages. All such things are outward works of charity indeed,… Continue reading The Meaning of Charity – SpiritualDirection.com

Are We Really Listening? – SpiritualDirection.com

By Sister Mary Scholastica, O.C.D. Are we listening? Are we really listening? It’s an important question we need to ask ourselves. In reading this, do you think about yourself, or do you automatically think of “someone else” someone else who needs to “get better at listening”? It’s interesting, isn’t it? Many of us think of… Continue reading Are We Really Listening? – SpiritualDirection.com