The Apostle of the Last Times? (Fr. Michel Rodrigue, Apocalyptic Prophecy, Private Revelation, Last Days, End Times)

Podcast: Download MYS123: For the last several years, the Canadian Fr. Michel Rodrigue has been reporting revelations of apocalyptic world events to start in October 2020. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli ask who is Fr. Rodrigue, what does he claim, are his revelations really from God, and how likely are they to happen? Get all… Continue reading The Apostle of the Last Times? (Fr. Michel Rodrigue, Apocalyptic Prophecy, Private Revelation, Last Days, End Times)

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Death at the National Hotel! (Conspiracy? Assassination? Serial Killer? Disease?)

Podcast: Download MYS124: In 1857, President-elect James Buchanan became violently ill during a stay at Washington DC’s National Hotel, as did hundreds of others, many of whom died. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli examine whether it was a serial killer, a mysterious disease, or perhaps a presidential assassination plot. Get all new episodes automatically and… Continue reading Death at the National Hotel! (Conspiracy? Assassination? Serial Killer? Disease?)

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Resurrection on Mars? (And More Weird Questions!)

Podcast: Download MYS125: On this fifth Friday of the month, Jimmy Akin answers more weird questions, including whether at the end times people will be resurrected on Mars; could we touch a rediscovered Ark of the Covenant; what was Jesus’ religion; did God create aliens; why is capybara licit in Lent; and more! Get all… Continue reading Resurrection on Mars? (And More Weird Questions!)

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Podcast: Download MYS126: Throughout history, people have been fascinated by curses, suspected others have been cursed, have wanted to curse their enemies, and wanted curses removed. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli ask what are curses, how they work, and how worried about them should we be. Get all new episodes automatically and for free:Subscribe using the… Continue reading Curses!

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Pascagoula UFO Abduction (1973, Calvin Parker, Charles Hickson)

Podcast: Download MYS127: In October 1973, two fishermen in Pascagoula, Mississippi, say they were taken on board a mysterious craft by strange creatures in one of the most famous UFO abduction cases in history. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli ask who were these men, what happened to them, and is it evidence of alien contact?… Continue reading Pascagoula UFO Abduction (1973, Calvin Parker, Charles Hickson)

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Calvin Parker, Charles Hickson UFO Abduction (Pascagoula 1973)

Podcast: Download MYS128: Continuing their discussion of the reported 1973 abduction of two Mississippi men by a UFO, Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli look at the theories and evidence from a reason perspective, including a police secret tape recording of a conversation between the two men. Get all new episodes automatically and for free:Subscribe using the… Continue reading Calvin Parker, Charles Hickson UFO Abduction (Pascagoula 1973)

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Are Transporters Murder Machines? (& More Weird Questions)

Podcast: Download MYS129: For this US Thanksgiving holiday weekend, Jimmy Akin answers more weird questions, including whether Star Trek transporters are murder machines, what history would be like without Jesus, is the Holy Grail special, a Good God vs. an Evil God, and the eschatological implications of space colonies. Get all new episodes automatically and… Continue reading Are Transporters Murder Machines? (& More Weird Questions)

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Lie Detectors! (How Do They Work, How Accurate Are They, and Can They Be Beaten?)

Podcast: Download MYS130: Human beings have been telling lies since the dawn of history and finding ways to detect them has been a high priority. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the polygraph machine, how reliable it is, whether it can be beaten, historical methods of lie detection, and whether you should ever take a… Continue reading Lie Detectors! (How Do They Work, How Accurate Are They, and Can They Be Beaten?)

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Civil War Gold, EVP, Holy Fire, X-37B, Ark of the Covenant, Writing of Jesus and more Patron Questions

Podcast: Download MYS131: We regularly give Patrons the opportunity to ask Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli their mysterious questions and make them available exclusively to Patrons first and then later to the whole audience in a special bonus release. Get all new episodes automatically and for free:Subscribe using the RSS feed | Subscribe using Apple Podcasts | Subscribe using… Continue reading Civil War Gold, EVP, Holy Fire, X-37B, Ark of the Covenant, Writing of Jesus and more Patron Questions

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Carlos Castaneda: Godfather of the New Age (Death Cult?)

Podcast: Download MYS132: In the late 1960s, Carlos Castaneda claimed to reveal the drug-fueled, mystical teachings of a Native American sorcerer, launching the New Age movement. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore who Castaneda was and what he taught and the truth behind the mysteries surrounding him. Get all new episodes automatically and for free:Subscribe using… Continue reading Carlos Castaneda: Godfather of the New Age (Death Cult?)

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