Taylor Swift and Bach Can Thank Ancient Temples for Modern Music

Where did Western music come from? Most historical accounts credit composers with the first formations of simple tunes, which eventually led to “early music” and later classical music and the many popular forms that have since sprung up. But acoustic ecologists and musicologists have been talking lately about a different foundation: the earliest temples and… Continue reading Taylor Swift and Bach Can Thank Ancient Temples for Modern Music

How to See Stars, Satellites, and More in the Daytime Sky

How to See Stars, Satellites, and More in the Daytime Sky It’s possible to see celestial objects during the day, but it’s not always easy By Phil Plait It seems pretty obvious that you can’t see any stars in the daytime. If you were to say that to me, however, I would gently take you… Continue reading How to See Stars, Satellites, and More in the Daytime Sky

Honeybees Will Literally Slap Ants That Try to Invade Their Hive

Honeybees Wing-Slap Ants That Try to Invade Their Hive Japanese honeybees use their wings to slap back ants trying to invade their hive By Gennaro Tomma A Japanese honeybee uses its wing to slap a way an ant attempting to invade its hive. “Wing-Slapping: A Defensive Behavior by Honey Bees against Ants,” by Yugo Seko… Continue reading Honeybees Will Literally Slap Ants That Try to Invade Their Hive

Extreme Heat Kills Hundreds of Thousands Worldwide Each Year

Extreme Heat Is the Deadliest Weather Disaster Hundreds of thousands of people die from extreme temperatures every year, more than any other type of weather disaster By Chelsea Harvey & E&E News People cool off at a fountain in the Madrid Rio park amid heatwave conditions in Madrid on July 23, 2024. July 21, 2024… Continue reading Extreme Heat Kills Hundreds of Thousands Worldwide Each Year

The CDC’s Test for Bird Flu Works, but It Has Issues

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says a glitch in its bird flu test hasn’t harmed the agency’s outbreak response. But it has ignited scrutiny of its go-it-alone approach in testing for emerging pathogens. The agency has quietly worked since April to resolve a nagging issue with the test it developed, even as the… Continue reading The CDC’s Test for Bird Flu Works, but It Has Issues

Signs of Ancient Alien Life May Lurk within This Newfound Martian Rock

In a dry river valley on Mars, NASA’s Perseverance rover may at last have found its reason for being: evidence of ancient alien life—and with it, a lifeline for the space agency’s grand but troubled plan to bring Red Planet materials to Earth. This potentially cosmos-quaking evidence may look like merely a humble rock, but… Continue reading Signs of Ancient Alien Life May Lurk within This Newfound Martian Rock

Monumental Proof Settles Geometric Langlands Conjecture

In classical signal processing, sound waves get built up out of sine waves whose frequencies correspond to the pitches contained in the sound. It’s not enough to know which pitches the sound contains — you must also know how loud each pitch is. That information allows you to write your sound as a combination of… Continue reading Monumental Proof Settles Geometric Langlands Conjecture

Vacuum of Space to Decay Sooner Than Expected (but Still Not Soon)

Vacuum decay, a process that could end the universe as we know it, may happen 10,000 times sooner than expected. Fortunately, it still won’t happen for a very, very long time. When physicists speak of “the vacuum,” the term sounds as though it refers to empty space, and in a sense it does. More specifically,… Continue reading Vacuum of Space to Decay Sooner Than Expected (but Still Not Soon)

Musical Memories Don’t Fade with Age

Musical Memories Don’t Fade with Age Eighty-year-olds are able to identify familiar tunes just as well as teenagers can By Bianca Nogrady & Nature magazine Musical memory might be resistant to age-related cognitive declines because it stirs emotions and becomes more encoded in memory. The ability to remember and recognize a musical theme does not… Continue reading Musical Memories Don’t Fade with Age