Even Synthetic Life Forms With a Tiny Genome Can Evolve

The new evolution experiments are starting to provide insights into how the smallest, simplest organisms might evolve — and how principles of evolution unite all forms of life, even genetic novelties developed in labs. “Increasingly, we are seeing evidence that this [minimal cell] is an organism that is not something bizarro and unlike the rest… Continue reading Even Synthetic Life Forms With a Tiny Genome Can Evolve

Two Students Unravel a Widely Believed Math Conjecture

They looked exactly as expected: a wall of white, peppered with black specks for smaller integers. “We expected the black dots to peter out,” Stange said. Rickards added, “I thought maybe it would even be possible to prove they peter out.” He speculated that by looking at charts that synthesized many packings together, the team… Continue reading Two Students Unravel a Widely Believed Math Conjecture

Muon Mystery Deepens with Latest Measurements

Muons continue to confound physicists. These unstable subatomic particles are much like familiar electrons, only with 200 times the mass and a fleeting lifetime of just 2.2 microseconds. Unlike electrons, however, muons are at the center of a tangled inquiry into the prevailing theory of particle physics. For decades, physicists have puzzled over tantalizing hints… Continue reading Muon Mystery Deepens with Latest Measurements

Maui’s Deadly Wildfires Are a Reminder of Growing Risks

The following essay is reprinted with permission from The Conversation, an online publication covering the latest research. Wildfires, pushed by powerful winds, raced through Lahaina, Hawaii, on Aug. 8 and 9, 2023, leaving a charred and smoldering landscape across the tourist town of about 13,000 residents that was once the capital of the Kingdom of Hawaii. At least 36… Continue reading Maui’s Deadly Wildfires Are a Reminder of Growing Risks

Risky Giant Steps Can Solve Optimization Problems Faster

“It turns out that we did not have full understanding” of the theory behind gradient descent, said Shuvomoy Das Gupta, an optimization researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Now, he said, we’re “closer to understanding what gradient descent is doing.” The technique itself is deceptively simple. It uses something called a cost function, which… Continue reading Risky Giant Steps Can Solve Optimization Problems Faster

The Cryptographer Who Ensures We Can Trust Our Computers

Quanta Magazine > 0; if (typeof predicate !== ‘function’) { throw new TypeError(‘predicate must be a function’); } var thisArg = arguments[1]; var k = 0; while (k We care about your data, and we’d like to use cookies to give you a smooth browsing experience. Please agree and read more about our privacy policy.Agree… Continue reading The Cryptographer Who Ensures We Can Trust Our Computers

How Genetic Surprises Complicate the Old Doctrine of DNA

Does an unseen force lurk within genetics? Biologists have made enormous strides over the past 100 years in understanding the role of the millions of parcels that convey our genetic information — DNA, RNA and proteins. But they have also learned about undetectable interactions between these biochemical agents, hiding in their midst like ghosts in… Continue reading How Genetic Surprises Complicate the Old Doctrine of DNA

The World’s Oldest Moss Outlived the Dinosaurs, but It May Not Survive Climate Change

CLIMATEWIRE | For nearly 400 million years, the world’s oldest moss has survived the shifting landscapes of planet Earth. Takakia, as the genus is known by scientists, has lived through ice ages and mass extinctions, and endured age after age of natural warming and cooling. It outlasted the dinosaurs, and it was there when the first… Continue reading The World’s Oldest Moss Outlived the Dinosaurs, but It May Not Survive Climate Change

Ninth Dedekind Number Found by Two Independent Groups

Richard Dedekind was a 19th-century mathematical giant, responsible for reshaping the field right down to its foundations. He was the first to give a rigorous definition of infinity; he also came up with the definition of the real numbers that form the basis of much of modern mathematics. In 1897, he published an investigation into… Continue reading Ninth Dedekind Number Found by Two Independent Groups

How to Protect Yourself from Ticks and the Dangerous Diseases They Spread

Summer is the season for stone fruit, pool parties, cookouts and, increasingly for Americans, ticks. Ecologist Felicia Keesing had an uncanny sense for ticks for as long as she could remember. If one bit her, she could feel it and would quickly pluck it off with tweezers. But last year this superpower failed her when… Continue reading How to Protect Yourself from Ticks and the Dangerous Diseases They Spread