Manipulating single atoms with an electron beam — Mostly Physics

Most of the data for the initial version of the manuscript was collected already in July, 2017, but sat for a while on my hard drive before writing them up. The first version of the results was posted on the physics preprint archive arXiv right before Christmas on December 23, 2017 ( In that initial manuscript, most… Continue reading Manipulating single atoms with an electron beam — Mostly Physics

Searching for City Lights on Other Planets

About a decade ago, I attended a conference inaugurating the campus of New York University in Abu Dhabi along with a colleague from Princeton University, Ed Turner. The conference included a tour through the neighborhood, during which the local guide bragged that their city lights can be seen all the way from the moon. Ed… Continue reading Searching for City Lights on Other Planets

Data Crunchers to the Rescue – Issue 102: Hidden Truths

The boy was only a month old but had developed the amount of health problems that other people don’t acquire in a lifetime. He was constantly suffering from bacterial infections, battling unexplained inflammation, not gaining weight, and—scariest of all—having bloody diarrhea, a puzzling symptom that made some doctors think he had a pediatric version of… Continue reading Data Crunchers to the Rescue – Issue 102: Hidden Truths

The Mystery at the Heart of Physics That Only Math Can Solve

Over the past century, quantum field theory has proved to be the single most sweeping and successful physical theory ever invented. It is an umbrella term that encompasses many specific quantum field theories — the way “shape” covers specific examples like the square and the circle. The most prominent of these theories is known as… Continue reading The Mystery at the Heart of Physics That Only Math Can Solve

Native Python scientific computing on the Apple Silicon M1 MacBook Pro. — Mostly Physics

(Update 13.2.2021: changed installation instructions to ASE and GPAW development versions from Git.Update 17.2.2021: added benchmark for real DFT runs with GPAW.Update 12.4.2021: added missing PAW setup installation instructions.) I’ve long been an Apple enthusiast, and greatly enjoy the combination of a sleek, modern GUI and extensive software support, coupled with a true terminal environment… Continue reading Native Python scientific computing on the Apple Silicon M1 MacBook Pro. — Mostly Physics